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Brycen Waters Event Evaluation: Peer Advising Tabling

A part of my internship is to assist with the organization and implementation of the Peer Advisor and Orientation Leader hiring and training process. The first major step that I have taken to make sure that things are getting underway is through tabling in the Market Place to get the word out to fellow students about the awesome opportunities that are out there for them to get involved with. I had emailed the current Peer Advisors asking them for their assistance with this process and 3 of them responded saying that they could help. They volunteered for times that they could table along with the times that I had already devoted to this. I also made a large banner that was to hang off the table that we would be sitting as to grab the attention of the people as they walked by. I found the tabling process to be very beneficial as we gave away many applications. We have found many applications have come back so this process was clearly a smart idea. Something that I would do differently about the tabling process would be to not trust that the people that said they would help are going to actually do what they said they were. Always have a backup plan. Also tally the number of applications that were taken out so as to properly gage the number of applications that are possibly going to be returned.

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