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Glued to the boob, desperate munchkins hog the death-snack contagious terrror of being human in public, whole town

robbed of blood I just ask for one square yard of unfucked love in it, dipshit I am not your mother but I will slap you, stop the car, get out, buy a fucking heart at Target now Pathetic snide asshole, your whole town is a greased porno tit, your spirit is a black carbunkle-shit take your dick out I will stick a safety pin in it Black black black black black black black black black black black black everything If you smile, some shit-pirhana crowbars your face for a culture penny, lovelss massacre Chancre eye, strafe the lot, it this middle school? When your whole life is ironic it is only death, _____________

Glued to the boob, desperate munchkins hog the death-snack contagious terrror of being human in public, whole town robbed of blood I just ask for one square yard of unfucked love in it, dipshit I am not your mother but I will slap you, stop the car, get out, buy a fucking heart at Target now Pathetic snide step-uncle, your whole town is a greased porno tit, your spirit is a black carbunkle take your dick out again I will stick a fork up it Teenage nihilist, pantomime of purity, macho Jeremiah, smoking in the lecture hall, to

soapbox the fresh young pigeons, fat-ass senile purpura integrity pantomime of purity: the black black black black black black black black black black black black this that flag ass kid lip everything If you smile, some shit-pirhana crowbars your face for a culture penny, this loveless massacre, chancre eye, I pray the whole sheboygan gets strafed like the middle school it acts like When your whole life is ironic it is only death, When you risk nothing your heart is a bucket of happy meal toys When you pull rank automatically you get only

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