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Prologue Corrupted Darkness Being together allowed the DigiDestined to overcome the many obstacles and trials they

y faced. The Dark Masters are an example of this. One by one, they were defeated. After defeating Machinedramon, the DigiDestined were not aware that he used the last of his energy to keep parts of his data intact. Three years after the battle of the Dark Masters, the new DigiDestined faced Kimeramon. Kimeramon was a Digimon that was created by the Digimon Emperor, to help him take over the Digital World. Using the Digi-Egg of Miracles, Veemon armor digivolved to Magnamon, thus Kimeramon was finally defeated. As Kimeramon was disintegrating, his data blew into the air. Untilit reached the remaining data that was left of Machinedramon. Both beings consisted of boundless darkness and evil, decided to regain a solid form. A being of power, a master of evil, a being who could change the shape of time itself Milleniumon. Milleniumon felt unfulfilled, realizing the power in the grasp of his hands, he tested its boundaries and decided to call upon the Seven Great Demon Lords. It had been thousands of years since all Seven Great Demon Lords were together. Now they will bring all hell and destruction to the Digital World. Believing he became the Ultimate Evil, Milleniumon underestimated the true power and darkness of the GDL. Oblivious to the fact that the Demon Lords were opposed and disgusted, Milleniumon nonchalantly ordered them to do his bidding. Until finally the GDL had enough of Milleniumon and started to lead him on, like a fisherman using bait to attract fish. As powerful as Milleniumon was, he wasnt able to withstand the combined force of the GDL, and was soon defeated. A new evil of infinite darkness has come. The DigiDestined must be prepared to fight the Seven Great Demon Lords. Trials, Obstacles, and Temptations will surely come...

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