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com/KPMGkilledjane KPMG KPMG KPMG KPMG KPMG KPMG TAX SHELTER TAX SHELTER TAX SHELTER TAX SHELTER DEATH AND LIARS = KPMG Holy cow, I cant believe it, KPMG, the firm of liars, murders and thieves is back at it again. It is not enough that KPMG, Skadden Arps, fat pig Bob Bennett, fat pig Bobs henchman Peter Morrison, Michael Hamersley of Hamersley Partners, Dennis Malloy the lying thieving murdering Mormon Bishop, Joseph Loonan the hanging lawyer for KPMG absolutely destroyed and devastated one of their partners lives such that he can barely function and directly caused the mother of his daughter Jane to kill herself in a violent disgusting manner with their monumental lies to the U.S. government. No that is not enough for KPMG, now word has it, KPMG is threatening the former partner (KPMG already lied about the former partner and directly caused him to be ass raped, beaten and tortured ) and KPMG is threatening the former partners children (KPMG already lied to the Government so much that Federal agents raided the home of his children and his sisters children brandishing automatic weapons forever destroying their lives). Say it is not so KPMG, KPMG even maintains that somehow this broken down ass raped soul is threatening KPMG when all the ass raped partner wants to do is die (the ass raped partner dreams of taking a gun and blowing his own brains out every day). KPMG and its lying thieving scumbag henchman have nothing to fear from the ass raped partner, KPMG destroyed the ass raped partners life, killed his girl friend and left his daughter motherless, what more does KPMG want? The ass raped partner already craves death, does KPMG want the ass raped partner to kill himself right now just so he does not have to remember the horrors of being held down by 10 black guys who shoved shards of plastic into their cocks and ass raped him for days, directly as a result of the lies told by KPMG. In fact, everyone of KPMGs lies have been proven to be lies, fk, the ass raped partners trades made millions in profits (according to the Governments experts) exactly the opposite of all the KPMG lies. KPMG destroyed the ass raped partners life and now it is not only yet again threatening the ass raped partner but claiming it feels in danger and threatened, by what may I ask???? The only thing KPMG and its lying thieving henchman should fear is the next life if there is one, they won big time in this life but I guess that is not enough for KPMG. I will say it again, if you work for KPMG and something goes amiss (like using special purpose vehicles to hide losses or accrue revenues not yet earnedor any other myriad of fraudulent tax and accounting transactions), KPMG will lie about you, turn you over to the government to be ass raped, beaten and tortured, destroy the lives of your family members and I guess, come back after you yet again if you can still breath after all that and threaten you and your family. KPMG has no honor. Geez, look at the publication below, KPMG advocates creating fake entities and treaty shopping just to avoid new laws passed by our precious president trying to collect more revenues so we can stop borrowing from the Chinese. The government usually calls this tax fraud (unless a former government employee devised the strategy). Way to go KPMG!!!!!!!

Beware if you work at KPMG or are a KPMG client and you engage in any of KPMGs so called planning strategies, KPMG may end up lying about your activities and turning you over to the government so that you are ass raped for life in a U.S. prison (believe it will seem like 100 lifetimes) and utterly destroy the lives of your children (and if by some reason that is not enough apparently KPMG will come back again and threaten you and the lives of your children) Anyone working for KPMG or organization associated with KPMG should be ashamed and clearly has no honor.


Jim Messemer San Francisco RBI 415-524-7554

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (September 7, 2011)

Contacts: Mike Alva KPMG LLP 415-963-5426

KPMG JOINS WITH SAN FRANCISCO RBI TO PROMOTE LITERACY Firm donating 600 story and reference books to launch collaboration

SAN FRANCISCO, September 7 KPMG LLP, the audit, tax and advisory firm, today announced it has joined with San Francisco Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities (RBI) to promote literacy at San Franciscos Bessie Carmichael School.

Under KPMGs support for San Francisco RBIs literacy initiative, through the firms Family for Literacy Program, KPMG is initially donating 600 hundred new story books and dictionaries to students launch the collaboration and funding reading materials to stock Bessie Carmichaels new literacy room which was constructed recently by San Francisco RBI. The relationship between KPMG and San Francisco RBI will help promote and encourage reading. KPMG will

be making ongoing book donations to Bessie Carmichael students and monetary donations to San Francisco RBI to help keep the bookshelves in the literacy room stocked.

A key initiative will be the relationship building between the students and KPMG volunteers who will be introducing the new books in ongoing reading sessions with students, according to KPMG San Francisco Managing Partner Debbie Messemer.

San Francisco RBI has developed a wonderful literacy program and relationship with Bessie Carmichael School, and we are thrilled to be able to join forces to expand this program, said



KPMG and San Francisco RBI page 2

Messemer. Promoting literacy is a key priority of our community outreach, and we look forward to engaging with the students and improving their reading skills.

On Friday September 9, KPMG volunteers will go to the school to donate more than four hundred dictionaries to students in second through fifth grade, and will help the students explore words and their meanings in the reference books. KPMG volunteers spent time reading with Bessie Carmichael Kindergarten and first grade students when they recently distributed nearly two hundred reading books to the students.

Tailored for the diverse student population at Bessie Carmichael, the San Francisco RBI literacy program is designed to promote literacy and comprehension. As part of its initiative, San Francisco RBI has engaged specialized literacy instructors to enable a guided reading program to promote literacy and comprehension.

We could not be more excited about this partnership with KPMG and its Family for Literacy program given the similarities of our respective missions and the complementary skills and resources we can bring forth towards enriching the lives of underserved youth in our community, said San Francisco RBI Executive Director Jim Messemer.

It is especially welcome to have the support of San Francisco RBI and KPMG at a time when we lack the resources to meet a fundamental need literacy, said Jeff Burgos, principal of Bessie Carmichael School. The books, the volunteers, the reading room, and the entire literacy program will benefit our students for years and generations to come.


According to First Book, a non-profit organization that provides new books to children in need, the majority of children from low-income families have no books in their homes or classrooms, and direct access is extremely limited. These children have far fewer literacy and language -more-

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experiences at home and enter school at a disadvantage. A recent study found that on average, there is just one book for every 300 children in low-income neighborhoods compared with 13 books for every child in middle-income neighborhoods.

San Francisco RBI, a local initiative in collaboration with the Major League Baseball RBI program, was created in 2010 to serve local at-risk youth in San Franciscos underserved areas have the opportunity to learn essential life skills and baseball and softball fundamentals. San Francisco RBI provides year-round programs to the students at Bessie Carmichael School, with a focus on literacy, the arts, health, and nutrition, as well as baseball and softball skills. About KPMG Family for Literacy Program Through KPMGs Family for Literacy Program, the KPMG community of spouses and family, partners and employees, interns, retirees and alumni fund the purchase of books, conduct reading programs in schools, and work with existing literacy programs to provide brand new books, supplied by non-profit organization First Book, to disadvantaged children in local communities across the country. Since it was established in 2007, the KPMG Family For Literacy Program has donated more than 1.5 million books to children across the country.

About San Francisco RBI The goal of San Francisco RBI is for every one of their program participants to graduate high school, attain a college degree and become a high-performing citizen. Their program promotes education, literacy, teamwork and citizenship. San Francisco RBI stands by a mission to encourage every child to Reach for their dreams, Believe in themselves and their ability to achieve academically and Inspire personal success. For more information or to donate, visit


About KPMG LLP KPMG LLP, the audit, tax and advisory firm (, is the U.S. member firm of KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International). KPMG Internationals member firms have 138,000 professionals, including more than 7,900 partners, in 150 countries.

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