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BCPS Process for Purchasing Apps on BCPS Devices: 1.

Make certain you have filled out and returned a BCPS VPP Employee Agreement Form to Ms. Piestrak:

2. Speak to either your building administrator or the appropriate funding source (i.e. 21st Century Grant Coordinator, Special Education Contact) to ensure they have funds available that will cover the cost of your app purchase. 3. Complete the App Requisition Form. For school purchases, see your school bookkeeper. For other funding sources, the contact that approved the purchase should be able to tell you who is holding that App Requisition Form. This form will be sent to the appropriate VPP Facilitator on payday.

4. Upon receipt of the VPP Requisition Form, the VPP Facilitator will contact the person who is paying for your apps so that they can get a voucher ordered from Apple. As soon as that voucher arrives, the VPP Facilitator will go into the VPP Store to make your purchase. 5. When the purchase is complete, the VPP Facilitator will email you both the Redemption URL and the accompanying license codes. This email will be sent to your BCPS email account. 6. Access the email from each device. From each device for each different app access a Redemption URL and accompanying code. In other words, if you have 5 devices and order two apps, you will have to go to two URLs on each device and then enter the correct code that goes with that specific URL. This allows each app to load onto one device at a time. 7. At least once each school year, you will be asked to submit a list of all apps that are currently installed on your device. Please send either an electronic list (i.e. preferred) or screen shots of each page of apps on the device. i) If you are sending screen shots, do not send images of folders containing multiple apps without identifying those apps in writing. Folder images on a screen shot are too small to clearly see what is inside each folder. ii) This list must include all free and paid apps currently housed on the device. Additional Reminders: Please remember that any device being placed in the hands of a student must house only ageappropriate and school-appropriate media. Students may not be provided the Apple ID usernames or passwords for any reason. Every new device from February 2012 to present should have a VPP Apple ID. If you are not certain what that VPP Apple ID is, please contact your building administrator, funding source contact, or Ms. Piestrak. VPP is only for paid apps and iBooks. We are, at this time, unable to use VPP to acquire free apps ort iBooks. Free apps and iBooks should be acquired as they always have been acquired by the end user using the regular iTunes Store. All BCPS Apple devices must now be placed on the BCPS Apple Server. To have your device loaded on our server, please make an appointment with Ms. Piestrak.

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