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Concert Report: IASAS On Stage Concert Thursday Night, February 23 I watched the IASAS on stage Concert on Thursday night.

The nights program was full of talent, both musical and technical, that was well displayed and well executed. I was very impressed especially by Eric Lin who played the soprano saxophone and was accompanied by Dustin French. He was so immersed in his music and confident as well as technically under control. His finesse and bravado were both great factors that contributed to an outstanding performance. This piece was obviously extremely technical and Dustin Frenchs piano part was also quite difficult. Nevertheless, the two seemed very much together and coordinated. Ellen Shieh also did an amazing job on violin, performing her virtuoso piece with ease and musicality. I think there could be room for improvement in terms of musicality and phrasing, but the overall performance was very well done. Phoebe Tsai once again did a great job with her Solo Suite NO.3 by Gaspar Cassado. She seemed very calm and composed as she played. Her phrasing was very smooth and complete, and her technique was also very exceptional. Wei Shi Lin also did a great job on piano. She played Allegro de Concierto by Enrique Granados. This piece has often been performed for IASAS, and I like Wei Shis interpretation. However, I think her technique could be even clearer and cleaner because I felt that at some parts it was unclear. I think further work on pedaling could possibly improve the overall feel of the piece. Sang Hyun Cho also was an excellent singer. His phrasing and musicality was excellent but I think his dynamics could be varied even more. His dynamic rang would be more impressive if it were to be widened. Overall, this night was a very successful performance on all parts and was definitely worthwhile.

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