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HEPATITIS Widespread inflammation of the liver tissue with liver cell damage due to hepatic cell degeneration and

d necrosis Proliferation and enlargement of kuffer cells and inflammation of the peri portal areas does may cause interruption of the bile flow

TYPE B Other name: Serum hepatitis SH virus Viral hepa Transfusion Homologous serum jaundice

Incubation period

50 days - 180 days

Mode of transmission

blood and bloody fluids as in saliva, semen, vaginal secretions often from
contaminated needle among IV drug users; intimate sexual contact 1. percutaneous 2. sexual contact 3. oral to oral 4. vertical transition

TYPE C Other name

post transfusion hepa HCV Non A non B hepa

Incubation period 7 days 50 days or 2 weeks 6 months

Mode of transmission by parenteral route through blood and blood products

Clinical manifestation 1. pre-icteric stage anorexia n/v fever weght loss body malaise RUQ pain Hepatomegaly Splenomegaly Lymphadenopathy Anemia Decrease lifespan of RBC to less than 120 days 2. icteric stage fatigue clay colored stool lympadenopathy jaundice continued hepatomegaly with tenderness weght loss dark urine/ tea colored pruritus icteric stage fatigue but increased sense of well being hepatomegaly: gradually decreasing jaundice subside and sign and symptoms subside also

Diagnosis 1. in both types SGPT, SGOT, alkaline phosphate,bilirubin all increased in pre icteric Leukocytes, lympatocytes, neutrophiles all decrease in pre icteric Jaundice subside and sign and symptoms subside also

2. hepa b

HbsAG (surface antigen)- positve: develops 4-12 weeks after infection Anti HbsAG negative in 80 % cases Anti HBC associated with infectively; 2 26 weeks after infection

Prevention Type b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. screen blood donors use disposable needles and syringes registration of all carriers passive immunization active immunzation

Management 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. promote adequate nutrition insure rest/relaxation monitor/relieve pruritus administer steroid isolation procedure are required provide client teaching and discharge planning with regard to a. importance of providing alcohol

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