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This test is most commonly used to monitor effectiveness of heparin therapy and to screen for disorders of coagulation.

When commercial activating materials are used to standardize the test, the PTT is called the APTT, or activated partial thromboplastin time.

Client teaching Bleeding Time :

1. Jangan minum aspirin sekurang-kurangnya 7 hari sebelum periksa 2. Segera hubungi dokter terdekat jika ada tanda-tanda infeksi pada bekas sayatan, seperti : nyeri yang lama hilang, darah terus mengalir, kemerahan, bengkak, bernanah, atau timbul demam. 3. Hasil pemeriksaan masih valid selama 24 jam sejak selesai diperiksa 4. Wanita hamil yang mendapat terapi aspirin 75 mg selama 2 minggu dapat menyebab- kan hasil metode Ivy memanjang.
Possible Meanings of Abnormal Values
Increased Acute leukemia Afibrinogenemia DIC Dysfibrinogenemia Dysproteinemias (multiple myeloma) Liver disease Polycythemia vera Shock Stress Uremia Decreased : Thrombocytosis

Contributing Factors to Abnormal Values

Hemolysis of the blood sample may alter test results.

Drugs that may increase thrombin clotting time: asparaginase, heparin, streptokinase, urokinase.

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