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Michelle R Brown (609) 864-4683 Brownm74@students.Rowan.


Adoption Magazine April 13, 2012 The Surprise Past Dear Editor in Chief, Imagine you are a twenty-five year old woman married with three kids when all of a sudden, you discover unexpected news that will change how you view your parents forever. Tanya Ringo, of Browns Mills New Jersey, never had the slightest suspicion she was an adopted child until she accidentally found strange documents stating she was. Her immediate feelings of anger, hurt and betrayal aimed towards her guardians she always knew as Mom and Dad were not easy to overcome, but with time, healed. Tanyas adoptive parents share the same ethnicity as her own, with her mom being Korean and her father being African American. Through extensive research, Tanya was able to find out that her biological mother lived in Korea and had conceived her with an African American U.S. soldier who was shipped back to the States after his time in the country was served. Unable to care for Tanya on her own as a single mom, Tanyas mother gave her to an orphanage to be adopted. There are still many questions left unanswered for Tanya. Tanya has still not found her biological relatives or the reasoning behind why she had to be adopted. Her story is a unique journey form the heart that many readers of your magazine will be able to connect with. If her story is presented as an article in your magazine, it may help her find the answers about her family. I am a senior college student at Rowan University majoring in Writing Arts and I am a staff writer for my college newspaper The Whit. Thank you for considering my idea. Sincerely,

Michelle R Brown

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