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C F D G Am D G A-men, A-men, Amen Glory Be to the Father

E B7 Glory be to the Father, E B F#7 B And to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; B7 E B7 As it was in the beginning, E Is now, and ever shall be, B7 E World without end. B7 E Amen, Amen.
G (D Em G) D G

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; D Em C G D

praise him, all creatures here below; Em D G C D7 G

praise him above, ye heavenly host; D G D G C G

praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. A-men. Em Bm Em D G G D Praise God, from whom all bles-sings flow; (G) D Em C G D Praise Him, all crea-tures here be-low; Em D/F# G D G/B C D7/A G Praise Him a-bove, ye heav'n-ly host; D/F# G Em D Am G/B(G/C*)D (D7*)G Praise Fa-ther, Son and Ho--o - ly-y Ghost. (C G ) (A-men)

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