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February 04, 2012

The Endomembrane System

B1 Analyze the functional inter-relationships of cell structures The Endomembrane System is Made of Several Organelles that Compartmentalize the Cell and Move Materials through it

February 04, 2012

February 04, 2012

the endomembrane system

February 04, 2012

Facts about the endomembrane system

The endomembrane system is a continuous, membranous system (all the parts are made of the same type of material). Some parts will meld together or break off. For example, a piece of the ER will break off to become a transport vesicle, which carries a protein. The transport vesicle will then fuse with the Golgi. A secretory vesicle will the break off of the Golgi, move through the cytoplasm, and finally fuse with the cell membrane. There are many types of vesicles: lysosome, transport vesicle, secretory vesicle, endocytotic vesicle, and vacuole.

February 04, 2012

Endomembrane system videos

February 04, 2012

Write a summary of what the endomembrane is and what it does in the cell.

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