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when I had my lunch box to school, there were some kids who took my food, and they threw

to the floor, as I was so scared, I said nothing .. the days passed, and they did the same thing over and over again.

Every day I prayed before going to school. . I did not want to worry my parents until I had to tell all. At that age, was the best in my class, but because of bullying, I lost my school performance.

Many people think that bullying is a normal part of childhood or that "kids will be kids." However, research shows that in fact, bullying can cause negative academic, physical, social, emotional, and psychological consequences on victims, bullies, and witnesses. there are people, who were victims of bullying, and now they are looking for revenge, they can't forgive people who made their lifes miserable. Another possible result of being bullied is that victims may become violent . In some cases, the bullying may be so severe and may go on for so long that the victim has thoughts of suicide. In the social area, victims have few friends or none at all, it is very hard for them to make friends, Also, other kids often do not want to become friends with the victims, because they are afraid that they will be bullied as well. Being a victim can result in poor school attendance, because many victims become afraid of going to school. They become obsessed with the bullying and how to try to avoid it. This leaves little or no time, energy, or concern for schoolwork and learning.

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