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-THE NEW YEAR OF ISLAMFirstly, lets thank to Allah who has given us mercy and blessing until we can

gather is this place and time Secondly, may shalawat and salam always belong god messenger who has bring us from darkness to the lightness. Thirdly, I never forget to thank to jurist who has given me opportunity to driver my speech in front of public under the title of the new year of Islam. Respectable the jurist and the audience. Every nation has its own year be proud of every, new year always celebrate happily with many kind of big celebration. Each religion has its own year to be used as a pretiuns in religion - related life. And its this case the muslim have the years of hijriyah. Thats the new year of Islam to be proud of by all muslims. The year of hijriyah is used by the muslim since the authority of Kholifah Umar bin Khattab r.a. The year of hijriyah was widely used as the guidance to arrange the calendar of the muslims activities, either in relation to govern mental, educational, or other important matters as well as history of Islam. The year of hijriyah has close relationship with the event of hijrah by the messenger of Allah and has companions. This event was named fajrul Islam by historians which means the starting time of the free and broad propagation of Islam by the muslims. In the new city, the prophet and his companions build a muslim community and country. Madinah, than, become the centre of the propagation of Islam. From this city the light of Islam brightened the world. Of course there where many sacrifices during hijrah, but all where I med at preserving their Islam belief. The muslims add the time belief that the even of hijrah had significant role in the development of Islam. Therefore, the companions of the prophet decided the year of hijrah as the name of the year of Islam. By the name, its expected that the next generations of muslim always remember the importance of hijrah and take worth lesson from this event. Respectable the jurist and the audience. Maybe until here my speech, I take your apologize my mistakes if any. Thank you for you attention.

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