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Workout done without breaks to simulate a typical grinder PT w/ runs to the surf: Jumping Jacks and Push-ups 10 sets

of 10 each Press Press Fling 12 (Peck machine) Flutter Kicks 10 4count (Legs straight) Leg Levers 10 4count (Legs together and straight) Good morning darlings 10 4count (Legs spread and straight) 100m sprint Push-ups wide/regular/triceps 10 each Walking lunges 25 yards 2 each Plank 1 min. for 3-5 sets Dive Bomber Push ups 10 (Legs spread, arms normal) Crunches 2 sets of 25 (Hands on abs, shoulders off ground) 100m sprint Lateral crunches 25 each side 1 squats 25 Lateral squats 15 each side 8 count body builders 25 Lower body rotation 15 each side (Legs straight up together, lower to left side repeat) 100m sprint Neck rotation 20 each side / neck up and down 25 Push up rotation 15 each side (Start down up to one arm up in the air behind you as you look to one side) Flutter kicks 15 4count Hopping 1 Min (Legs as high as possible) 200m sprint Push-ups wide/regular/triceps 10 each V sit-up 10 Squats 20 Reverse lunges 15 each leg 100m sprint Glute-ham rises 10 (Kneeling hands behind head lock legs behind you down to your face and back up) Flutter kicks 15 4count 200m sprint

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