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The Seneca Falls Convention: A Revolution of Womens Rights

By: Saagar Asnani, Changyan Wang, Ishan Phadke, Matthew Latshaw, and Kamee Mitra Senior Division Group Website

To decide on a topic, our group thought of some ideas and at first decided to do the Womens Christian Temperance Union. After some deliberation, we decided it was too narrow and chose something on the Womens Rights Movement instead. The year previous, one of our group members did a project on Prohibition, and as she had an in-depth knowledge of the subject, we wished to do a project relating to that. The Womens Rights Movement was a much too broad subject to efficiently encompass in a NHD project, so we decided to focus on the Seneca Falls Convention, as this was effectively the spark that set the entire movement in motion. This is how we came to choose our topic. Each of us did individual and group research. We visited various local and university libraries like Muhlenberg, Kutztown, Lehigh, Allentown library and others. We also utilized their databases and search engines such as EBSCO and JSTOR. From these were able to acquire numerous books, newspaper articles, and speeches which totaled to over fifty sources. Over the internet, we searched for certain primary sources, such as first-hand books and newspaper articles. We also sent out e-mails for interviews. We were able to complete four. Our first interview with Mrs. Gandy led us to travel to Washington D.C., where we visited the Sewall Belmont House, which was the original headquarter of the National Womens Party that was turned into a Museum. We were able to learn a great deal from this experience. Our next three interviews were with Ms. Jennifer Krafchik, Mrs. Sam Bennett, and Reshma Saujani. For more information as to how we acquired and conducted these interviews, please see the bibliography. We created the website through Weebly. We chose a preset theme, and edited the CSS from there, formatting the background using Picnik and Photoshop as well, and then added a footer. We organized the information through tabs on the navigation menu across the top. We

assigned each of our group members pages to do, so we could work efficiently. Pictures and documents were then added. Adobe Flash was also utilized to create the timeline. The Seneca Falls Convention was the first womens rights meeting in history. It set off the Womens Suffrage Movement and encouraged other women to advocate their rights. It led to women realizing their position in society and the changes that need to be wrought. Through media propagation, multiple aspects of womens lives from work to education were brought to the light and were able to be debated upon and fixed. Ultimately, it led to the ratification of the 19th Amendment which gave women the right to vote. The Seneca Falls Convention was the start of a string of movements and conventions that eventually led women to the position they hold in society today.

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