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Tutorial Activity Explanation of tutorial sessions and Independent Student Learning (ISL) . Organization of groups and distribution of tutorial topics. Activity 1 Discussion of characteristics of effective teachers.

Remarks Tasks for tutorial activities to be given one week ahead of each tutorial Article from Teacher Magazine (August 24, 2007) Appendix 1

Activity 2 Study the diagram in Appendix 1. Identify problems in classroom physical arrangement. Suggest ways to overcome the problems. Sketch a classroom physical layout plan. Give rationale to support your plan..

Activity 3 Appendix 2 Read the case study provided in Appendix 2. This case study discusses a complex classroom organization comprising of learning corners for students activities. List out initial planning taken by Miss Miller in organizing her classroom. What are the rules and regulations set by Miss Miller? How does she depict the rules and regulations as well as monitor students abiding to the rules and regulations?

Activity 4 Students are asked to carry out the activity depicted in Appendix 3: Developing Assertiveness Skills.

Appendix 3

Activity 5 Students are asked to carry out the activity depicted in Appendix 4: Recognizing Listening Responses

Appendix 4

Activity 6 Compare and contrast models of discipline: Skinner, Canter and Dreikurs models. Apply suitable graphic organizers.

Lecturer were to distribute case study article to group 1, two weeks ahead of presentation due date. Lecturer were to distribute case study article to group 2, two weeks ahead of presentation due date. Appendix 5

Activity 7 Compare and contrast models of discipline: Kounin and Glasers models. Apply suitable graphic organizers.

Activity 8

REFERENCES Bauer, A.M. & Sapona, R.H. (1999). Managing Classrooms to Facilitate Learning. NJ: Prentice Hall. Bosch, K (2002). Planning Classroom for Change. Illinois :Skylight Professional Development. Darch, C.B., Kameenui, E.J. & Pearson, N.J. (2004). Instructional Classroom Management A Proactive Approach to Behavior Management (2nd ed). NJ : Pearson. Evertson, C., Emmer, E.& Worsham, M. (2000). Classroom Management for Elementary Teachers (5th ed). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Hardin, C. J. (2004 ) Effective Classroom Management.Models and Strategies for Todays Classroom. NJ: Pearson Merill Prentice-Hall. Jones, V. & Jones, L. (2004). Comprehensive Classroom Management. Creating Communities of Support and Solving Problems (2nd ed). Boston:Pearson
Krause,K., Bochner, S & Duchesne, S (2003) Educational Psychology. Australia: Thomson

Kaufman, J.M.; Hallaham, D.P.; Mostert, M.P.; Trent, S.C. & Nuttycombe, D.G.(1993). Managing Classroom Behavior. A Reflective Case-Based Approach. NJ: Allyn & Bacon Myint Swe Khine, Lourdusamy, A., Quek, C.L. & Wong, F.L. (Eds) (2005). Classroom Management. Singapore: Pearson Prentice Hall. Santrock , J.W. (2008) Educational Psychology (3ed).NY: McGraw-Hill. Wolfgang, C.H.(2005). Solving Discipline & Classroom Management Problems. Methods and Models for Todays Teachers (6th ed). NJ : Wiley JosseyBass Education. Woolfolk, A.H (2004) Educational psychology (9th ed) Boston. Allyn & Bacon

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