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PART E fluddte, Cadence, Automatics Formations s+ s+ + + Play Calling -- 0+ + Shifts s+ eee Extended Motion «+ + Rule Terminolony . » Blocks Used. se es + Running Plays & Action PART IT = RUNNING PLAYS AND Teen Series LL Option - +e - 19 Option... see WW lane Pass ones = 12 Countor Sweep ss 18 Counter Sweep.» - 1@i Screen. oe se 189 Screen. 6. ss 20 Series QL Sweep see eee 29 Sweep ee ee 21 Boot se ee 29 Boot wee 21 Power Pass... + 29 Power Pass. - : 21 Power Pass 8-7 « 29 Power Pass 8-5 2) Power Pass 2-5. 22 Sweep Trap - + + 28 Sweep Trap ss + 24 Trap ee ee 26 Trap s2 ee 2s Influence ss. ee 26 Influence. 1... 24 Counter Lame. 26 Counter lane. ss RUTGER: Passes by Formation PLAY ACTION PASSES ( INDEX (cont 'a) PAGE 30 Sertes Me teep eee ee eec eee rete era? So trap see ee eee eee ets 3B Iasi rola eiseecre sie sie evanensiereneiiee erie cso prPeld merce eee tee sneered anaes na Medici cee ec eeeseeeer ere seteavic Al M7 Reach vc ee ee ete ete M2 pat Reach Pasa: soe cee cet esneesrrisretae sien raral 37 Reach Pass |v ee et B3XBlock. ee mS SUR Blocks ee ee M6 33 On Run toTE Se ee ee AT pTiOd Run EOiee steer ces cusrcuseeisaisresiorci ert ae 40 Series A iose i tienes tsi t eet aetste eters tastes tatoo 49 Tos. ee ee ee serene Sees etentdted ete OO: 41 Toss Peas ee eee Wel Power secs ee eee seer eee r eset oe Ap Power cecsset teat eyo 42 Power'Pass ee BH 4B Power Pass 42 Power Pass 2x, Pe epee 5 48 Power Pass 2K, ee ee fia. 8T 42 power Pass 3 Flood DTTP lll 38 hp power Sally ab i9/ car seein secretes ean gnt 69, 48 Power Sallyat dls 60 42 Counter Trap Criss Gross Pt ah 48 Counter Trap Griss Gross | TT lll) 62 44 Counter Trap... Re eeaetscaeseauateauaire 46 Counter Trap) Pe ees oH AM waggle ore regis eaegee vere rte arie eee es ry a) Additional Plays Ga Demeester estes att er ioe Dies sec eeer eee ctieeey es eee asec sreteat sre iterate 8 Oral nts erasers Sesaarisa easiest 69. OB Sneak Se ee Seca eecaeoe reer: PART. PART IV INDEX (cont'd) III ~ DROP BACK PASSES Numbering System... . See Passing Tree... ss eet ee Correlation of Hottes to Field 500 Protection... --- 2.2 ee 0s: 600 Protection... ee eee 700 Protection >. 22. lt lara sea reese see reer iararcrict PSE gasca ce aerea tan Peter em vara] igre obo eee nuesnuencanicty : $16 +586 Road se 516 + 506 Caneback ss Rees pe gees tetetreeeaaege ee eee Sees aeHeade eM ses vee eerie aie erecta per Delay sicienen einen namie ciate cca ee sae eee rereeeerees vere erento SB Cress et gUBSdShooe terete etter atstee tates Honea atee ifs Stowe eet geceerieeeesueds 78 Short - ee lt : 00 'Sepaen Rigne cer sees sreen er reeece 700 Screen left ee ~ KICKING Gi Middle Return Returnat +9. ll PAGE @ nm 2 73474 ,75 16 7 18 19 80 an 82 33 a4 85 86 37 98 99 +90 a 2 933 on 8 96 OFFENSE - 1977 de 76543 OB RY ioe 2 FB HUDDLE Players form huddle as indicated above. Each-playor-has hands on his knees. Quarterback enters huddle - says "UP". Upon this.comand, the players snap their heads toward the quarterback. Quarterback will then call as. follows: i. Formation 2. Play 3. Jump Number A, Center ce tells center, flanker, and #8 to leave-the =" huddle, Ss Break ~ Upon this comand, players sprint to the Line: of : serimmage and imddiately assume their of fensive-ctance, CADENCE - tlormal ~ No Check Color = Any Color Double Digit - Set (33 Set) Hut 1 = Hut 2 ‘Jump Count - The ball can.go on quick or st sount— Set-or-2.. amplet Red - 33 Set ~ Hut 1 ~ Hut 2 AuLOMAT ToS . = te will automatic ons limited basise. If a change of play anticipated the QB will sey in the huddle “Check with Ho". This will take place on the Mne of scrimmage. Once on the Line of: sctinmage- the BD calls out A and the play nuuber, suo. tho ploy that, was. called. inthe huddle. If the GB-calls "WP" this seans a.check off and. the play called, after "UY will bo the now play. The snap will be on-set. Anytiow the B soya, the ball will be snapped on sot. Example: U-24 "Check with cx Normal . "Chee! 1 ie" ane Red 33 Sot ior U ~ 2% Repost Hut Put 2 Red 33 Shap con bevon quick sct.or 2 - — Gnop-always on-set ~~ Hotes Mhen we go on quick QB will- givo-verbal. command !Go"y ns 2 Minute Situation - QB will call scramble or.lled in 2 minute -siturtion: ‘Snap will be on "Set", + Serumble.» Call play on the-Lines.. ~ : eau Sed - Kill clock by throwing out uf bounds. font OFFENSIVE FONWATICNS ie Gus formations axe indicated by numbers. These umbers inticate where the wing will align hinself. The split end automatically uplits 8 ydoe to the side away from the wing unless requested to modify hia position. By preceding the number call with a word, we can saaily glter the position of the set back as indicated below to an T or Double ing 200 FORMATION 22) an gr gt CL OO ROG O00 @00 oO oO oO oO 200_ FORMATION OF © wD FORMATION OHO Oe OOG COOB®OO : foyiamialit ole . | oO oO > Offensive Forxations (Conte) Pare 3 100 Forsation 200 Form tion Q@ oo000 0 OCoOo0DCO Oo 0 ° Oo! oO oO ie) oO Oo O90 Solid t-200 0. “Solid _1=200 O00 cooongoced oO o CO 0 £ “MODIFYING OF 8 EHOS ALTowmaeer We can modify the & ends alignment by a word preceding the forsation call tend alignment avay fren the side of both the wing and eight ond at Ge y @ 000006 e€onee «o c ole c 0° calc € COMOCeE-O {0 CO HG CC QO oO ° So OC cc over 200 oven £00 congoece * o ° Cc Cc O° Cc Cc QvER SOUL 269, CCOOC 6&8" | Gae--€ CONC Cc ° Cc oO Co GC PLAY CALLING Each of our running plays and play ‘action passes are Sdentified by using a tuo digit nusber and a descriptive word identification following. The first digit identifies the series, the second digit the point of attack, and the descriptive word Identifies the type of blocking to be used. EXAMPLE: a 2 Tray (Sories) (Hole) (Type of blocking) Our drop back passing game 1s an oxception, It will be nunbered in three digits using 500 or 600 series. Details will be found in the pass offense section of the play book. I. BACKFIELD SERIES Each play falls into a specific sories. The series indicates ‘the pattern of the backs, which in turn assigns the ball carrier. 0. SERIES Oo OO OOeBoo PLAY CALLI Cr. port oF arrack FORT @ attack ihe 2nd digit tn the play call indicates the hole to be hit, Our holes are numbered overt of cur wide holes which an Note that oven though our end aligned tight. > @ SOODBOOQ , Our 2 and 8 end arcthe only players who will flip flop with formation calla. tlovever, the holes rerio constant and do not Flip op i with them. re asst g4sst al90 indicates the Flav of the backs. With holes Janie 4 the direction of the Clow of the tacks ic to the right. ole theres C2 Indicate tov of back fs to une tare This holds true uni; She word counter a added to a play. Courter indicates that all backs sacept the ball carrier will run away Teese eke point of attack. 3 ETE. TYPG OP aLooKrHG TAPE OP BLOCKING ‘The descriptive tor: "so at the point of attack. Andicates the type of blocking we will We Witt we the rotloving Mocking schones : 1 Trap 2 Susep - Pown, Locking with both gins pulling to holesnd ctey. 3+ Bootleg ~ 164% guarde putltecmay fron hole and ter, ‘+ Fold Yniteates stop arcund technique bétucen guanie au tackios 1ane - Fire out blocking at point of attack. 5+ On ~ Teolation blocking with back «ide mand loading. 8. Influence ~ Iuftes T. Grose Dec, nce pull by Lineman at point of attack 2+ Qpbion = WiLL not block end. OB WET option on hin, 10. Powr — 0. Tete at point bt N+ Reach - Reach bleek by O11 tem: 18. Magee - Far euird pullire play side 1 SHIFTS When we shift, we will in all instances shift to a mirror formation. The QB will indicate a shift in tho huddle by preceding his formation call by the phrase “Shift to". Me will line up in the mirror of tho formation called and when the QB colls "SHIEL" oli backs and ends will move quickly to their alignment. He will then go with hie nosmal cadence after pausing one second. When wo shift the snap count will be on sete An oxcention to the above will apply to the 2&8 ends. 2&8 will align to the side of the formation they would be in after the shift. EXAMPLE: SHIFT TO 200 Line up in 800, 2 & B opposite sides. I--@00 2OO8 oO O Olog EXAMPLE: SHIFT TO SPLIT noo A Line up in split 200 28 B opposite sides ~-O@COMOO : PR O OO 8 EXTENDED woTzoN There witl be instances when we will desire extended motion BY Our halfbacks in etther directions Such motion ails te indicated dn the huddle by the QB after the formation call and Preceding the play call in the following manners Notor On all ontondeg motion, snap count will be on 2+ RIP = RH notion right RIP X - RH motion across formation(left) ° CO@®CoO av Qe Om x OF@ RIP. LEO = LH motion tert 1EOX - LH motion across formation( right) COO0®0O © O- An Dee LOX WING 200 & WING B00 (Bovbia wing formation) sen the GB calls either of tho above formation the set back The ggliga as he normally would in a 200 or 900 formation and then as fhe G2 moves under tho centor shift to the wings Gb shone wait untir he gots set, pause for a second and thon start Ms nosey cadence. ING 890, INS _200 2 © , 00@0C60 _. ° OES Le 2. 3. 4a Se 6 We & % ae. ay 12. 13. RULE TERMINOLOGY BACKER - Defensive Linebacker on you. GROSS BLOCK ~ Outside man load block. Inside man short trap techniques GUI OFF ~ Across face of second man from outside on lino of scrimmage, release downfield to hole area. DOWN - ist man on line of scrimmage to your inside. (one hole down) FOLD BLOGK = Outside man lead block, reverso shoulders Inside men Seal off tail of outside man. GAR ~ Inside toward #5. (Center HS - Right Gap 1-5, Left Gap 6-9) HINGE - Protect gap to play side, no show block aways QY = Defensive down Lineman on any part of yous QUISIDE - 1st man outside on the Line of scrimmages POST LEAD ~ Double team block. PULL, = Right and left, READ DOWN = Read adjacent man to insides If he disappears block ist person to show on insides REACH - st man to play side. M woe RELEA! = Across face of man on you and block downfleld to hole area, iL - Ist backer inside (Pull & Seal) TRAP - Pull right and left. Short and long, inside out approach. GYRO ~ Guard blocks out - tackle steps inside to block LR. Weverse of Fold Block). READ PUL {nad qiard pulls te hook end. Hf end crosses wath ~ Kick out. 4 2 h o 10. M. 1. 13, Me 10. Straight shoulder block right and left. Reverce shoulder block right and lefts Near shoulder block right and left. Gross body block right and left, down field. Reverse cross body block right and lefty Post-laad (Double Team) Drive Block umétald Dievks «Run thru, and chap exvss bodys Swoop Pulls ~ Right and left (Seal thru holes second man) TraPs = Short and long inside out approach, shoulder or urive block thru, Reach ~ Pull step right or left. Block man if he shows in area using opposite shoulder. If no mon shows in azea follew through at 45° angle back to middie. Fass Protection (Drop-back, bootleg action) Technique Blocks: a. Cross Block e+ Influence f: Reloase 9 “M0-Fire out blocking using drive blocks Blocks for Wide-Outs and Backst ae Stalk be Soal ce Roll Block d. Pase Protection es Shoulder 29 sw. 37 Fold 46 c.T, GB, 33 Fold Saly@9 37X96 Gat. SEER, 33 Reach BT feach 26 Trap 2h Tat S54 Draw 2 trap 24 €. Lane Oo oon000 Oo oO Oo 21 BL. Pave 29D. Les Pass 8-7 i Po pana 189 Screen 14 Lane Poss G2 PS Pass 2x SP Resch Fass 21 P. Pass 53 feach toss 1 Toss Paes ta Pr ass 3 Pood 29s. 28T. ‘37 Fold 46 CT 44 CT ‘33 Fold 21s. 49 Toss wre. 37 Reach = =26 Inf. 24 Inf, 33%B 48 Sau 28 Sweep Trap 26 Trap 24 Trap 33 Reach @ 1 = # 26-C. Lane 56 Daw OO. © 12 Oo) ° Oo Oo 7 Reach Pass 25 Bee Pa oO oO 33 freach Pasa 43h. Page OX 2B. tent Mass 25h. Pase ar GX Pass GRP. Pass 3 Flood 49 Toss Pose AOL Screen SPLIT 200 29 Sweep 48 C.Txx 460.7. 54 Draw 33 Fotd Zl sy Sally@9 18 CL Swewp 26 tnt. 44 Co. 33 Ronch 41 Tans 208. Trap 24 Trap 24 Inf. Draw 2 3 26 6. Lane 24 Trap ooondo ° 29 Bt. Baas ° ° OO th tagste Pass | 21 BL, Faas 3-7 21 P. Pass 33 neacn Pass : SPLIT 800 298. 37 Fold 56 Drow 4 CT. 33 Fold 42 CTame 21S. 497. 37 Reach 45 CT, 24 Inf. «33X12 8. Sally Draw €7 25 Inf. 2h Trap 33.0n 22S. Trp 1 26 Trap 53 Reach oO CcObhoo0o0 37 React Pans AL bee 22 BL. Pass Se? 19 P. Pass 46 Wangle 1d A OPTION H2 ~ Tor Rolease shoulders ‘square, read safety and block contain, Exception: Man on and man outside you, block ons a Release to middle 1/3 83 = Reach’ (Work head to play side) 4 = Reach #3 = Reach 16 ~ Roach fT ~ Release - Cut off 2nd on Los #8 ~ Tor block Cutsido 1/3 fay: Release to middle 1/3. B= Reverse pivot-Fake to FB- Option Ends LA ~ Run option course FB = Fake inside leg of #3 - Block area, RH ~ cight Side-Reieoso outside inden cornarBlock outside 1/3 areas Split Side ~ biock Gentain i A VVVV VAY O og SOO i t { | 4 i 19. OPTION 42 = Tor Release shoulders square read safety block contain. Away: Release to middle ifs. H3 - Release-Cut off 2nd on ' Los Wa ~ Reach HS ~ Reach H6 ~ Reach 7 ~ Reach (Work need to um play side). ilen ot side turn in for LP. #3 ~ Away: Release to middle Tas" Mack outside 1/3 QO ~ Reverse pivot-Fake FR Option End LH ~ Tite Side~felcase out~ ‘side widen corner-lock outside 1/3 area Split Side-Mock ” Contain | fi - Run option course FB ~ Fake inside leg of 7 Block area. % 14 Lives Pass H2 + Release 3 steps to outside Look over your inside shoulder. {3 = Gap-Cn-Backer HA = Gap=Cn-Backer 5 - Right Gap-CheIf uncovereds check LB and pull left and block ends 46 = Reach-If uncovered, check LB and pull left and block ond. 47 = Reach Hinge fi = in 7 Stes Bases Look for TE. quick. IF covere’, ‘arew deep to. FB - Fake 14 Base - Vs gaps. Veer to outside and block gap between 2 & 3 LH ~ Kotion-Dlock End Gut 22 ~ Read Dam 3 - teed Dan a4 - Read Block beyond €5 = Reach 46 Pull right decpon on outside hip off4 mane read his block. 17 = Roach tinge 18 ~ Middie 1/3 Q.3. ~ Reverse pivot - Cake to F.B. ~ land off to LBs WH, = Notion ~ Block Ist ran outsided7 j P-B. - Drive for lett Jeg of 05 ~ Seal Area 1 Ut = pat carrion — 50 For boos of Fibs = Rend black of #5. we 1 COUNGER SHEEP 92 ~ Gap ~ Read Doun 43 - Reach tinge ef = puid deft deepen on outside hip of #6 san- read Wis block. 85 ~ Reach 06 - Read pull left ~ Stock first min on or beyond oT. #7 - Gap ~ Rend Down 8 - Middle 1/3 0.0. Reverse pivot - fake to P.B. ~ tand off to RH. RH. = Ball carrier - go for toes of F.B, ~ Read block of 24 FB - Go for right leg of 95 - Seal area LH. - Motion - Block Ist pan outside of #3 aay (81 SCREEN, 900 FoRwitrcy eto ndedte 1/3 #7 ~ Block 600 P.P. for 3 cta, Release to #3 hole area, 6 ~ Block 600 P.P. for 3 cts. Release to 3 hole ores. #9 ~ Block 500 P.P. for 2 cte. Pull right to 3 hole ares and peel back for LB #4 = Block 500 P.P. 1 ct. Pull Fight for 3 hole area and tura up field. {4 413 ~ Block 500 P.P. 1 cts Pull right and kick out on corner, 3 - Take 2 steps up field and come back at 45% and pick up block of Ha. QB - Fake 16 Base - step behind FO-Throw. 11H = Release aye |r = Fako 16 Base RH ~ Short motion-fun option course block out on end. nV TOYS SoOOGOO Of ¢ INV 1. 29 SCREEN - 209 FORMATION 2 = Kelease to middic 1/3 3 - Block 600 P.P. for 3 cts. Release te #7 hole area. me me |i = Block S00 PP. 2 etss Pull left to 7 hole area and peel back for LB. #6 = Block 500 P.P. 1 cts Pull left for 7 hole area and turn up fields ' 87 ~ Block 500 P.P. 1 ct. Pull [P 7 deft and kik out on’ corners fig = Take 2 steps up field and ‘ come back at 45° angle pick up block of #7 (QB = Fake 14 Base-Step behind FB Throw. RH = Release FB = Fake 14 Base LH = Short motion-Run option course, Block ott on ond. 20. AL sweep 42 - Tor Gap ~ Read Down fway: lelease to middle 3 #3 ~ Gap - Read down 4 = Road pull right on Pirate san beyond Wingback To split end: Read pull right on first man beyond #3. 45 ~ Reach right. $6 - Poll right deepen and read block of #4. 47 ~ Cut off to #2 hole area 28 = Avay: Cut off to niddle v3 To: Seal on LB inside. 0.B. ~ Reverse pivot - folloy nid-line. Hand off to Lt, Bt. Leg @ 9. RH. ~ Wing: Block Ist free tan inside FR. - Dive for left leg of #5. Block area. Lil. - Carrier - Get hand off. Read block of 16. Br by- og ie RAN. PB. Ln. 29 Super Gap = Read down. Release To: Away: cut off ta 68 hole aren. Pull loft ~ deopen and read block of £4. Reach left. Read pull left. on first man beyond wingbact:. To Split end: Read pull left first man beyond #7. Gap ~ flead down. Cut off to middle 1/3 Seal on L.B. inside. Away : To: -B. = Reverse pivot ~ Follow midline. (land off to Rill. bey leg @ 41 Carrier ~ get hand off. Read block of f4. = Dive for right leg of 5 ~ Wing: Block Ist free man inside. Set back on Split 8408? Block man on a7. Sot ran on TE. Bide: Blok end. 22. 2A BOOTLEG #2 - Iq 5 ct. 2 Route = Bayt Inside-Cross (12 yds) Find open area ~ outside post. #3 ~ Gop-on-Hinge da ~ Pull Left read 6's blocks Kik out ond if he comes hard. When 4-5 covered= Stay in. HS = On=block right #6 - Pull left hook Ist man outside #7's block. #7 = Downe Cr-Backor #8 - Tos 5 cts 2 rtow ‘Away Post LH - Fake 21 Sweeps Block first man outside 3's blocks FB ~ Dive for inside leg of 6, Block 6's area~Slide de~ layed into flat. Depth of 5 yds. RH - Inside~Run crose*Find open area~Cutside-Post, QB - Reverso pivot. Fake 21 Sweep. Bts Leg on corner If you decide td run, call cutee W6 kik out #4 turn back Exception: #4 (bon 5 & 4 covered stay in.) V1] 2 woseten ne? (spit 200) = 6 Mt. in attoy a Ei hay ter atiey, tuna VV vv Vy y V to vulsida 6 eee soo, a 23. #2- Jars ce fuays’ Ins find open a: Outside ~ Post™ 43 ~ Downe Cn-Backer #4 = Pull right hook ist man outside 3's block 45 = CnBlock Left M16 = Pull right read 4's block Kik out end if he cones hard, then 5-6 covered = stay in. itt = Gap-Cn-Hinge fo - Tor 5 cts 2pte. dwayt Fost LH - Inside - run cross Outside ~ Post 8 ~ Run for inside leg of #4 Block 4's area, Slide delayed into flat. Depth of 3 yds. RH Fake 29 Sweep. Black 1st man outside of #7's blocks [ga - Reverse pivot. Fake 29 Swoepe Bt. Leg on corner If you decide to zun call go for #4. 29_Bts Leq Throwback 4 kik out 46 turn backs Exception: #6(ihon 5 & 6 are covered stay in.) ite in alter wlley, bury @ una ! YY VN VIV CROOCO Reo ~~ oO Vv 1 as, Oo See ae au, 22, POVER PASS #2 - Inside Cross (12 yds.) find open area. #3 ~ Reach Hinge #4 ~ Reach linge, L.B.Y.8, If uncovered check backside end. #5 = On ~ Blok Left 06 - Pull left and block Ast man beyond #7. (Block Out) 47 = On ~ outside #8 -S Ct. = 2 Rte. Q.B, - Fake 21 sweep - slight roll to left. R.H. = Run 5 Rte. Lull. = Fake 21 Sweep & block ‘out on end. F.B, ~ Block Ist backer on or inside 66. Vs. Gaps on esther side of #6 - Block ran between 6&7 sean, ViVIVV VV V¥ [bsoihed N do 25. 29 POWER PASS #2 ~ Inside Cross (12 yds.) Find open area. 93 - On, outside. 4 ~ Pull right & block out ran beyond 03. (Block out). 35 = On = blown right. 6 = Meach Hinge, L.B.Y.S. Tf uncovered check backside end. §T ~ Reach litnge- WO = Sct. - 2 Rte Q.R. ~ Fake 29 swoe! Slight reli to right. RI. - Pake 29 sweep & block out on end. Lol, = Rua 5 Rte. F.B. - Block Ist backer on or inside 14. Vs. Gaps on either side of #4 = block mn between 3-4. 26. PLP.P. = B07 42 = Releaco ~ Run 4 rtew 3 = Reach Hinge #4 - Reach Hinge - If uncovered check backside end. HS = On Block Left 6 = Pull left and block Ist man beyond i? iff = OreQutside #6 - Run 7 rte. QB ~ Take 21 sweep set at depth of B yds. RH = 5 rte. LH - Fake 21 sweep and block out on ends FB - Block 1st backer on or Ansido H6 vs. gaps on either side of 6 ~ Block man betwoon 6 & 7 seam. a 79 POVER Pass o-5 2 = fun 4 rte. Ha = OneCut side fi4 ~ Pull right and block first man beyond i+ fiS = On-Block right Hs = Raach-Hinge (I¢ ungovered check backside ond) tty ~ Reaeh-Hinge fig ~ fun 5 rte. QB ~ Fake 29 sweep sot at dopth of 8 yds. RH ~ Fake 29 sweep and block out on ends LH = Run benchs FB = Block ist backer on or inside H4-Vs. gaps_on either side of H4-Block man between 3 & 4 We VATE ac (i Vv 1 Vv | 2L_BOWER pass 205 a Oo ‘ / | #2 = Step inside run 6 rte. V V V aw i in alley. } : 48 - Run 5 rte. PAOLO’ [metre a RH ~ Step inside run 6 rte, = on end. V {| an atge ae car 2 Block man between am. a 7 80% 2. 22. S¥ERP TRAP #2 ~ Gap = Read Down j 93. - Gap ~ Read Down 0% = Read Pull right on Ast man on or beyond 5 ~ Roach Right. 46 ~ Pull right and read vlock of 4. 87 - Cut off to 2 hole area. 99 = Cut off to middle 3 Q.B, - 21 Sweep rule RH. = Ming: Step toward First froe can in~ side % seal L.B. 100 Form: Seal U.B. inside. .B, ~ 21 ~ Sweep rule Livi. = Carrion 2% - SWEEP TRAP #2 - Gap ~ Read Zoun #2 = Cut off to & nor 4 — pore 208 and read block of #6. #5 ~ Roach left. 46 - Read Pull left on Ist man on or beyond 12. 47 = Gap ~ Read Down #8 ~ cut off to middle 1/3 0.8. - 29 Sweep rule. Rut. ~ caerter FLD, ~ 29 Sweep rule. ~) Litt. = Ming: Step tovard First free man inside and seal L.B. 900: Seal L. B. inside. 24 = TRAP #2 - Seal L.B. inside 43 - Backer inside Ha » Gap-Lead~influence (Exception) 485 covered show Pass & influence vs. 44 bocker away. il = Left gap-post-block left. (Exception) When 526 are covered single block left. WW6 - Pull right trap first to show on or beyond 14 [#7 = Gap-onebacker #3 - Release to 4 hole area ch + Reverse pivot to left of mid=line give ball to FB-Fake 21 swoop. |FB - Start for inside leg 6 then bond right pick up trap block of Hb. LN = Fake 21 sweep IRI = Wingt Release to middle 1/3 Shots Seal LD inside ; ; Viv VV V V Vv Vv OOo 2 = is = tt = a7 ~ ts — loo = fru = a = deotRay Seal LiPe inside Gap-on-hocker Pull loft trap (rst to how on ox beyend be Right yap-post-block right (Exception) shen ‘S84 are covered show quick pass & Influcnees ve 44 backer away Cap-Leod-influence= (Exception) When § covered show quick p & influcnce-vs 46 hacker oway Ayckor aside Uelease to 6 hole arvx Reverse pivot to right of mid=line give ball to FB ~ Fake 29 swep. Start for inside log of (/4 then bond left pick up trap block cf #é Fake 29 swoop Wing-lteleane to middle V3 Slot~Seal LD inside vive & pluck 43 » Roluase outside to a middle 1/3 Full right to fl hole On-flock left on 1.0.5. Hoter (Ve. offset treat man on) TUL rights Seal off tall of #5 Notes (Louk for backside LB Trap wean in JM area when on LQ. S.) Reach Helease to middle 1/2 Hand off te FB ~ Fake 22 sweep Fake 21 sweep Rolease outside 1/3 Carry = Dive for lett eg oF 5. (Road block of HS) 26 INFLUENCE #2 = Rolesse outsily £ block safety. #3 - Geach ft = Sool off tail (Look for rup jan in when on LOS.) NS = OneBlock Right on L.0.S. Notes (Vs. offset treat man on #6 ~ Full left to 8 hole area. / ay VEY VV P= tn at oO 20 oy oo a —" Oo Oo Hs = Release to middle 1/3 ba - off to FB ~ Fake vep H = Rolease outside 1/3 ib ~ Fake 29 sweep PS - Carry = Dive for right Jeg of #5 (Read 5 Block) VVVVVVV Vi ooo¢ C00. Oo Go oO 2 QO Q O © ~ Middle 1/3 3 DE LUERCR 2 = Hse 24 is lwence rule: #3 = On = (intluence = Nock 1B) 4 = Pull einit wrap nan out side #3 05 = Use 26 ano rule. 1G ~ Pull right tail of 95 * is covered block Line. Ct #7 ~ Use 26 int? rule HH ~ atwase ton a 9.B. ~ Reverse Pivot ~ hand Angide to Lett. RH. = Release outside V3 F.B. - FELL over #6 tick anyone in area CoH. = Shoet mation block of #5. Ah = PULL JePE Leap san out side oT #8 = Release to middle 1/3 Q.0. = Reverse pivot = hind inside to RN. na FAR. = FLL over #6 block anyone in area Lill, = Revoage outside 1/3. ee = a Se eee g cea é ae 3 SE 2 2 co eek § aera Mig MA oOo Qo B2TRAP 12 = Gap = Road Down #3 = Gap = Read Down tia = PULL right ~ Block man on or beyond (2. #5 - Reach le - Reach lt? + Cut off-release inside of @nd man on LOS wa - Release to middle 1/3 If tackle is covered seal LB. If tackle is uncovered influence and block strong safety. laut = Carrier - Go for outside Jog of 3 Leave in motion, go on pitch courses a Reverse pivot, QB flattens his pattern quickly and threatens corner with options ay will only be sides Note: This 38 28 TRAP 112 = Gop = Road Dewy Ha = Cut of f-rel 2nd man on LOS, 2 inside of 4 = Reach 5 ~ Reach U6 = Pull Left block man on or beyond tis. MM = Gap © Read Down 18 = Release to middle 1/3 Lil = If tackle is covered seal LB, If tackle is uncovered Influence and block strong safety. FB Corrier ~ Go for outside eg of iH RH = Leave in motion, Go on pitch course QB - Reverse pivot. Flatten his path quickly and threaten corner with option. Motor This play will only be Tun to TE sides 7S vs Eva tI — © Soe od OBL Nv, vio (al aa.” 33 row, #2 = To:Rolease to outside and block corner Ayayr Cut off to safety. #3 ~ Gap-Down-(n 4 = Fold Block Technique) on #3) HS = Reach 6 ~ Reach iit = Reach Hinge if3 - Cut off to safoty All = Tight ~ Release to outside 1/3 ~ Split Slot ~ Block corner support. FB = Carrier Run off toil of 13 Lil = Run option course laa - Reverse pivot hand off to FB = Fake option. J sean 2 ~ Tor Rel block corn: Auaye Cut 413 - Reach Hinge 4 = Roach fl = Reach 46 = Fold block (¥ Technique) (¥ on HT lt ~ Gap-Downeon Ha ~ Block your 1/3 IRH = Motion, run option course - Li - Wing - Release to outside Regs Sot ~ Influence end and block corner support. ‘D Canrier, run off tail of #7 HB - Reverse pivot, ride hand off to FB. Continue on option courses wale 3a meac 3 = Reach - vs. 44 Poll Block #4 = Reach Va. 44 Fold jock. 15 ~ Reach 6 ~ Reach 7 ~ wach iinee 48 ~ Middle 1/3 a,b. = = Raverse pivot hand to F.B., threaten commer with pass. |. = Bock Ist man outside of our last ma on 1.0.8. = Run at inside leg of 93. Read 3's block. |. = Short motion ~ run option course. rrr vp ara. rarer Pee V tei heneh 188 Sheet : Se meee V side of ou ran on L.O.8. Go fa Viva © CROCS 2 a alte 92 - To: Step inside oun 5 Cte 2 Kte. Away? 7 Rto. = Reach = vs. 44 Fold Bleck. fh = Reach - vs, 44 Fold Block Reach Hinge (Wacovered check backside eat) = Reach Hinge (Unrovered check vackaide end) Teach Hinge fe - Te: 8 cte turn in Tay: Run 7 rte. Q.B. - Reverse pivot. Quick ride to F.B, Sprint on corner. RAH, = Wing: = Run 4 Rte. Set Tack or Slot: un 2 Rte. F.8, = Fake and C411 over n = Lawe in motion, Gev in front of 0.B. ~ Hook end. Rail. = Leave in motion. Get in front of Q.B, ~ hook end. PLD. = Fake and C42 over ‘7. LAN. = Wing Set Ra ion ote prmaiend 42 - Toe Backor inside ‘Away: Roleace 3 = Gap-Dowin-on Ha = Pull right and block out beyond #3 45 = Roach 6 - Reach a7 ~ Reach Hinge #8 - fretcasy to midate 1/3 0 - Reverse pivot and ride RI ~ Step outside, read tackle block and block backer. LH - Motion, option course FB - Carrier ~ Run inside leg of ie Notes Never to end wing sidet 97 X-BLOCK Vv ce Vv enet tt = teays Release to miudie 1/3 49 = Roach Hinge #4 = Reach 5 = Reach H6 ~ Pull left and biock out | beyond M7 tT ~ Gop-Dewn-Gn #8 - Release to middle 1/3 Li - Stop outside. Read Tackle block. Block backer. FB ~ Carrier inside leq of Itz Rit - Motion QB - Reverse pivot ride = \tinte: Never to end wing side! ig » 00 O 33 iB cN RUN TO TE Gm or outside Gap-Or-Lead (Vee man in either gap bicck out) Gap-Load-Post Post-Dlock left (vs. Cool Aine -Un-Backer) Pull right~seol off tall of #5-Btock LB your sides (Vs. goal Line seach) Exceptions (then 5 & 6 are covered hock one Reach Release to middle 1/3 Reverse pivot hand off to FB Fake option Carrier ~ fun off tail of #3 Road tackle block, block.» backer (Vs. gaps block man in seam hetwoen 3 & 4} Ution run option course. 2 = 3 ta = h outside Reach Pull left and seat off tail of #5 = Block LB your sides (Vee goat Line reach) Exception: (When 5 & 4 are covered block on) Post-Block right (Ve. gomt line = Co-Backer) Gap = Lead = Post Gap-Cn-Lead (Vs. man in either gap block out) Release to middle 1/3 Reverse pivot hand off to FB ~ Fake Option Carrier Run off tail of #7 Read tackle block, block backer, (Vs. gaps, block man in’ seam between 3.& 4) Wetion run option course orf taal of 15, 4 pall left and spat Jat daylight bey und w. 25 - Reach 96 ~ Reach road, 7 ~ peach A = Tor Lead. Away: release to middle 1/3 OLR. ~ Pitch ball to RH. Purn back and cut off prmmast, RH. - Carrier = short notion - kstablish wide course ~ read F.B.'a block. F.0, = fun piralled to L.0.5. & kay V.8. bleck. L.fl. = On = release outside 1/3 wlock mn an aeea. 3 4} Toss fo = iB da ~ fis - 6 = 42 powen Gap-Lead-Backer=0n Gap-Post-Lead Gop-Post-Backer (Vse 44 fold block) G-Block Left Pull right and seal thru holes Pull right seal off tail of WS. (When 5 8 6 are covered block area between S+7) Helease to middle 1/3 Reverse pivot. Hand off to LH and fake on corners Influence ond and block SS Start up @ 43. Roll block inside leg of Ist man to show on or outside #2. Carrier ~ Short Motion - Run over #3, 2+ ia - Ra LH - FB 9 ag PX ER Gap-Lead-Backer-On Pull loft & seal off tail of #5 (‘hen 5 & 4 are covered block area batwoen 5-4) Pull left and seal thru holes Cn-Blook right Gap-Post~Bucker (Vs 44 Fold flock) Gop-Post-Lead Release to middle 1/3 Reverse pivot. Hand off to RH and fake on corner carrier - Run over ii7 Influence ond and seal insides Start up @ #7, roll block inside leg of 1st man to show on or outside of #2. 42 PASS. Ys. Zone ~ Step inside ~ Release on 4 route, find seams Vse man = step inside Run 8 yde 2 rte. routes Some as 42 Powor gt pull wen om Run 5 route Run 5 count 2 route Roll block outside leg of ist man outside 43, Fake 42 Power - Block on corner. Fake 42 Pewer-Roll on corner. Key strong safety or monster. 4A POSER PASS 12 - Mixror 42 Power 43 - Incide Gap = Head on fa = Pull Left ~ Tura back protect. 0 49 = Some as 48 Power fe- see 8 oie eeinteaeie W8 ~ Mirror 42 Power Pass LH - Run $ count 2 route \ VWV oVVo [| FB ror 42 Por Pe Sree eaten fe 1 | RH = Fake 48 Power - Block on \ OOO GCS o comore Gan aa QD Mirror 42 Power Paes LIne 2 = 42 PUNER PASS - 2 CRON Block like 42 Power Passe Note however that the GB is setting up on the in= side leg of #3 rather than rolling on the corner. Block 2 counts. Release across field gaining depth (10-15 yds.) Koy weak side LB ~ Find open area inside or outside of him fun 8 Route Run 5 Count 2 Route Start like 42 Power than pass block ond. Foke 42 Power. Dlock on corners Fako 42 Power. Start to roll on corner. Pull up on inside eg of #13. Look for tight end in open area betwoen LB's. Must not allow penetration beyond plane of iS. 43 POWER PASS = 2 CROSS LINE = Block 48 Pover. Ibte that Q2 will set up behind inside leg of 47 rather than rolling on corners 12 ~ itixror 42 Power Pass 2 Crous Meee eimeice RU = Fake 48 Powers Back on coracre BB+ Mirror 42 Power Pass 2 Gross Lit = Bun 9 count 2 pattera QB = Fake 48 Powers ii 42 Power Pose 2 Cros ita ~ Hust not allow penetration beyond plane of #5. Vy Mv Eas ee VV V Q 7 a Bien, vy les CSC ae oO ae of Ast nan outside VVVVVV oceToc ) fe = i+ fa fe = te * aH = 22 Pune Sat Use 42 Power rote & sprint to 9 hole Use 42 Power rule & aprint to B hole area & turn up fields Use 42 Power rule & eprint to 8 hole area & block out ~ if no corner ~ pull backs Pull right @ clean ups (Don't pull when > & 6 are covered) Gap-Oi-Cutside influence your man step inside & peel to area vacated at a 2 yd. dopth in backfield and block. Let MB roact to powor then block. Fake 2 powerstiand of f= contlave on parallel course Fake 2 Powet 2 steps right pivot come back and take hand of fe Block 2 Power Vv VVV Ooo at > © \ vA Fa. 11g OMB SALLY ay 418 Poor ru: wiet tol hole Gip-On-tutside (Ine fluence your man, step inside and peel to area ata Z yd. depth tn Uacksield& block.) Pull Lett & clean up (don't pull when 5 @ 4 are covered Use 48 Py rule & sprint to 2 hole aroa block out, if no one comes peel back. Uce 48 Powor & sprint to 2 hole area & turn up field. Use 48 Fower rule & eprint to 1 hole area. Let HA react to power tien block Fake 4% Power-Hand of f= Continue on parallel course. Bake di Power pa left pivot Dick and take off. haad Tock 2 power. e7 = PUI eight and 41 a5. 1 @ covered blue between 5 ~ 7 Ys. Reach Wine, 8 = lelease to middle U3 O.N. = Reverse pivot. tid ball off Lo Rul. and take Bt. leg #1. RAM, = Mecotve hand off from O.8. = Give tall to Lil, inside Fake @ FB. = PELL at 7 and block area. Lill. + Carriap = Receive hand off. Mert at tail of 63. O = VOCE @ @ Jf fi = Cap ~ Post = backer Gap - Peat leat = Nelease to waddle 173 bareier = Receive hand feud at tei) of en. £43 and block fe tani of Crea ive bali to Hell. #2 - Lo: Seal inside to safety Away? Release to 4 hole area #3 ~ Backer inside (possible ine Fluen: 2) influonce if you feel you can't get to LB [#5 - Loft gap-fost-Lead-Dacker Away 6 - Gap-Post-Racker-Cn + PULL right and trap Jet man beyond #5. = Release to #4 hole aros. = Reverse pivot-Hand off to Ul Fake Bt. Log 9 #9 H = Carrier ~ Rock weight on left foot-Receive inside _| hand off. li = Leave in motion block 1st man outside of #8. B~ Dive for 6-7 seam, block Ist man in area, 46 G. TRAP 2 = tways Cut off release te 6 hole area. Tor Seal inside to sufety 93 ~ Pull left, trap Let man to show beyond 15. 44 ~ Gap-Post-Backer-Cn 5 = Right Gap-Post-Lead-Packer Away HS = Gap = Leas Backer Stes pall to intiu- once if you Feel you can't get to Lbs Wt ~ Racker inside (; influence vs. § 8 ~ Release to 6 hole area He QB = Rovorse pivot-Hand to WH Fake Bt. Log @ #1. LH = Block Ist man outside of 2 RI - Carrier - Leave in motion Receive inside hand off. FB ~ Dive for 3-4 seams Block let man in area. S oddly YO | 44 Fold ct. is Tor Rede; fay: Rele nh Gn-Left _gap-Dacker( show quick pass) Cn-Dacker (Show quick pass) Qn-Backer (Show quick pass) Release your 1/3 Show quick passe Give ball to IH Release outside and block your 1/3 Block backer play side (Vs.Pro 43 - No backer, read f/4"s block, break in or cut of hic block.) Carrier - Slide step to side of plays Run for tailof #4 Vs. 43 = fun for tail of US Vso 52. 56 DRAW #2 = Tor Release to safety fuayt Release to safety #3 ~ Cn-Backer (Show quick pass) #4 ~ Go-Backer (Show quick pass) [is - cn-night Gop-Racker (show quick pass) #6 ih in - #2 #8 - Release your 1/3 QB = Show quick pass give ball to RH Li - Release outside and block your 1/3 EB - Block backer play side. (Vs Pro 43 ~ no backer read H6"s block, break in or out of his block) RH - Carrier ~ Slide step to side of play. Run for tail of #6 v2 43. Run for tail of HS vs. 52. i as . a _ - oh. Ogee Seas eee aa: oe oe cts = Take front: V V ii offre och Vv ree eee ae a8 Note: Line ~ De nob alley / more than B= SUK Liner Gap-On-Backer ~ Right gop. lez ~ Swing Right Lit = Swing Lote “fal ~ GapeOneBackor UB - Sneak to right side. PROP BACK Pas: Our drop back passes are nunbered in 3 digits rather than 2 Int Piait = Type of protection (Refer te pages on puss protection) 300 = 5 Linemen protecting 600 = 6 Lincnen protecting (Tight end stays in) 700 = 5 Liarmon hee’ area = backs tock ora cutwids ait - Indicates the primary Lecoiver tackles. Rue Lt = iL 2 End + 42 Fe - 43 Bend = is And Digit - Refers to the pass route the primary receiver runs. All incide routes have odd numbers and hitch. - Hole = Out Curl + Flag Post ~ Fly > Cross = Sing Oxvoesone ROP _RACK, DEVIATION FROW ASIC NOUTE Wo may deviate fxom the basic route by adding a des: word following the route called. ptive & Comeback ~ Receiver starts Like 6 route but comos*back on a 45° to his outsides Short = Run at @ shorter distance than reqular route {3 counta). receiver delays prior to releasing on pattern. - Releasing a 3rd receiver to flood a sides - Veinary and Secealary receiver cross p ruts e + fun regular route vad thee ven a vi ite fend = Ree defender and break to in iver will re oF uutside of ti ngbacks or flanks. ALL of our routes are based on areas of the ficld. Each ti CORRELATING ROUTES AND AREAS Ot THE E1ELD s receiver runs a pattern ho has an area to end up ins This area changes whan the ball is on tho hash mark as compared with the middle of the field, a3 follows: gots on his route i of counts. Roceivers and QB must count at same rhythm for the passing gone to he ‘med effectively. and when the QB should throw the bal Someba: non tha ball is on tho hash our areas to the wide side mov ALL areas on the short side renain constant. = Mid-point between the hash These counts are rhyitrical and each count denote: RECEIVER GETS TO AREA OR_BREAKS oN idle of Field itn BENCH - Aroa 6 yds, from sideline on both sides. ALLEY ~ fires 4 yds, outside of the hash mark on either side. = Area mid-point botwwen the hach marks. AaLt_on Hash tak BENCH - 6 yds. outside of hash mark. (Wide sida) from sideline (Short side) inside of hash mark ("ide side) outside of hash mark (Short sido) rks DEPTH OF RECEIVERS The release of the ball by the QB and the depth each receiver regulated by count. Each route is given a nunber 1/2 second Listed below are the counts for cach of our routes BALL. THeriats “oy 4 Counts = 1 Count 8 Counts: to roud LD 5 Counts: 4 Counts = 1 Count Lo read 3 Coun! 6 Comes 3 Couns: $ Com auLey HOLE : beuice ate: d , VY i } Vow 7 900 _ PROTECT. #3 = Block #2 man on line #4 - Block #1 mon on line HS - Cn, left gap backer {ig ~ Block M man on tine ee !2 tft = Block #2 man on Line . tv Nota: Jf your man drops off ont hack inside te halp 8 o: FD ~ Backer - To side of wing. Tf guard and tackle are covered block #3 on LOS, TD + Backer ~ Your side. If guard and tackle are covered block 113. If no blitz-release on pattern. Noter #4 will call for “help” when there is a man in gep on left and right side of him and be blocks gap insides FB will take man betweon 43 & Hd, 9 will block out. t i covVV, VV | QGeoope c O 6c0_PROTECT LON Area (Toke man on you) (Vs 44 - Cutside) Area (Take man on you) (Vs 44 = man on #2) Area (Take man en you) CheRight gap-Backer _]116 = Steck #1 man on iine If = Block #2 man on line FB - Backer (Teaching Technique) Away from TE TB - Release Notes #6 will call "help" when there is a man in gap on left or right side of him and he blocks gap inside. FB will take man between 6 & 7, HT will block out. o / j oVvV VvVs / ° QSEeEGC / Oo 6 = ale Oo. \ | i { ) (Fire-cur) WS + Left Gap = Area All = Drop=Back FB ~ ptock it cian outside 3 i check inside backer his side) J [UE 1st nan outside #7 RM» Run ete. LINE 8 END HB 512 & 502 pass = Block 500 Protection = Wun 2 Route = 5 Counts = (2) Wing ~ Run 2 Route = 5 Counts (2) Set Back - Run 3 Route ~ 4 Counts, (3) Slot ~ Run 3 Route ~ 4 Counts = Dlock $00 Protection = () wing tor Bun 3 Poute - 4 Cou (2) Wing Away: fea 2 Route = 5 Counts = Throw en 4 Counts Li 8 eWD - ww = Block 500 Protection Run 3 Route ~ 4 Counts ~ 1 Count to read (1) ting = Run a House ~ 4 Gounta = 1 Count te ren (2) Sot Back = Chock LB Run 2 Route (3) Biot ~ Run Benen Block $00. Protection cunt to Throw on % Counts L Re ey eG eet AEN oO a eee Oe Noy K \ / i i “ LINE = Mock $00 Protection @ END - Run 5 Route - 4 Counts we = (1) si un 5 Route - 4 Counts (2) Set ¢ Check LB - Run 2 Route (3) stot: Hon Pench FB = Block 800 Trotectien 2 68D = (2) ing tor Ban Bench (2) fing Away: Run § Route ~ © Counts an = Throw cn 4 Counts ae Ling 8 END = Block 500 Protection + Run 6 itoute = 5 Cou “Nead" = Read Doiensive wok and Mun Rouke deeerdingly Run 6 Rout eke Chock Li Na Tan peleke % Hoses WO Frotecticn + fie Count Turn Gu, 3 = Thru on 5 Gonat: i / y 536 8 S86 COME LIME Block S60 Protection 8 END + Start like 6 Route, come back on 5 counts. MB (1) Wing: Start Mike 6 Route, come back on 3 counts. (2) Set Packt Check 1B-Run 3 Route (3) Slot: fun 5 count turn out i Block 900 Protection 2 eu = (1) Wing vor Hun S count tur (2) Ning Asay coe back on 8 countes oB Theos on 5 Counts: ' ei Vv \ Tw 0,00 0,Qo : oO; oon a Vv V f V —) J WV Vvo | OgQbC0 J oO y HOT. vs . Vv Vv Vy, a O | VV Vv WV O 10,08 0,00 oO oO oO L | > eae) NZ So | 2 | Block 500 Frotection LIN = LIE - Dleck 500 Protection @ EXD - fun 7 Route ~ 16 yds. deep tae un 6 Route kt Check LB - Run 2 Route (3) Slot: itun 5 Route FB = Block 500 Protection tua 5 Route 7 Aeayt Run 6 Route WB = Throw on 5 Count: Line 2 END he, 782 sont = Mock 700 Protection = Run 2 short = 1) ting = fun 2 short 2) Set tek = Block 700 Protection 3) Stat + lun 6 route in alley s routes 786 SHORT Block 799 Protect ion Aun & Short 100 P.P. = 6 ct. reloare 06 6 ct release houler of + F peed block (3 Area) IT ~ 100 PAP. Bet. rel to hole block up t Plock Beop 1/3 Bway: Block inside safety. #3 - 100 PAP. 6 et. D.B. = Drop $ ct. deptt hte bo #5 hole area and Dock upfield. look away fren drop 2 steps bv threw. > Sine on F i ANENLDAD (odvious rush) - Hotes \- 5 man over low 5 son to one Be G Boon of the center. occurs whiacver there protoctipn with a, cou o000 506 1 Oa 4 te the other hw a 6 an over) 6 nen te ens 5 won to either Fuitback calts BO EG ide of center Ss a maximum of 4 overload “Richt Gert) 5" Side of overlead blonks nimbors from outside in with fuliback responsible for Sth mans Away side block area (man) O dba oOo 10 tan over-ever load Fullback calls “tight (Kicker's foot) 5, and procedes to block Sth man to the right. with end and tackle executing Away side Llocks On OF side of center hinge teviwiques if aecessary Fullback ent ip back en fussy guard Canter blecks Eud an phe fhiage i ve fe vw ooo" ve nen to either fron cutside ~ ine icker uses one stup colease | t | 4 = 36 = 21 PL ew 7 BL PLP. rude 05 hole area hp field. an - aL PoP. rule un quick 2 rte. = SeTUW Arey RICK OFF - MIDDLE AE FAKE FIELD a ete

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