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Contact: Aubrey Marks Cell Phone: (555) 555-5555 Email: email@example.



UCF WILL COMMEMORATE 9/11 WITH 3,000 FLAGS College Democrats and College Republicans will Remember 9/11 in Unity By noon on September 11, 2011, 3,000 lives had been lost on the grounds of our nation. These attacks that occurred ten years ago empowered our nation with a call for unityalthough many divisions ran deep within our nation, we all felt a greater responsibility to put our differences aside and stand by each other in this time of need. In the face of tragedy, the people in our nation strongly stood next to their neighbors, no matter who they were or what they stood for. The College Democrats and College Republicans would like to capture that same call for unity in th th commemoration of the 10 anniversary of the September 11 attacks. Both organizations will plant 3,000 American flags on the Free Speech Lawn, representing the 3,000 heroes that lost their lives on that fateful day. The flags will be planted the morning of September 12 beginning at 4:30am, and will be displayed on the mall during the day until 3:00 P.M. to revive the unity that that the American people had in the months following the 9/11 attacks. The mission of the College Democrats at UCF is to promote the ideals and principles of the Democratic Party and promote the education of students in matters of public policy and the governmental process. The mission of the Florida Federation of College Republicans is to recruit, train, mobilize, and engage college-aged students in all of Floridas colleges and universities to win the battle of ideas and elections. ###

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