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How To Shut Up: A Guide For Straight People

1. Listen intently to queer folks when they talk about their hot sex 2. Dont grind all over your hetero partner in public 3. Stop asking trans people about their junk 4. Dont say Why do all the good men have to be gay? 5. Dont watch lesbian porn 6. Dont tell bisexual people that they will be gay soon 7. Dont force gay men to admit they are attracted to you 8. Dont tell bisexual people to just get over it 9. Stop asking lesbians and trans people how they have sex 10. Dont say that being trans is just a cool new trend 11. Dont assume queer & gay people want to be normal and just like us! 12. Dont ask who is the top/bottom, who pitches/catches, or who is the man/woman 13. Stop telling queer, trans, and LGB people that it gets better 14. Even if you hear queer, trans, and LGB people using them, dont say fag, thats so gay, dyke, shemale, or tranny 15. Dont tell anyone that they have to come out or else they are cowardly 16. Dont say but its so much better these days 17. Stop telling queer and gay people not to use words like fag, queer, dyke, etc. 18. Dont say how much you accept your gay cousin or that its ok because you have gay friends 19. Dont say that lesbians and trans people just need a good str8 fuck! 20. Dont humiliate, beat up, threaten, harass, tease, or kill queer, trans, and LGB people


Day of Silence for Straight People April 20th

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