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Represents unorganized and unprocessed facts.

Data is static in nature. It can represent a set of discrete facts about events.

It is a prerequisite to information.

An organization sometimes has to decide on the nature and volume of data that is required for creating the necessary information.

Information can be considered as an aggregation of data (processed data) which makes decision making easier.

Information has usually got some meaning and purpose.

Knowledge can be seen as information that comes with insights, framed experience, intuition, judgment, and values. In some sense knowledge represents truth and therefore offers a reliable basis for action.

Accumulated Knowledge or Enlightenment Wisdom comes with Knowledge and experience Ability to apply knowledge or experience It enables the individual to be rational The trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight The quality of being prudent and sensible

What is Knowledge"?

is the awareness and understanding of facts, truths or information gained in the form of experience or learning. Knowledge is an appreciation of the possession of interconnected details which, in isolation, are of lesser value.

Types of Knowledge
Shallow Knowledge Deep Knowledge Reasoning Heuristics Common Sense Declaratives Knowledge Procedural Knowledge Semantic Knowledge Episodic Knowledge

Shallow Knowledge

Readily recalled surface knowledge with minimal understanding of the problem area

Loan of small amount checking the salary & assets

Deep Knowledge
Acquired through years of experience of years

Loan approval checking credit rating, net worth, pattern of paying on time etc.

Knowledge as know-how

Knowledge based on reading & training Knowledge based on practical experience


one concept to another

If A>B, B>C then A>C


of Thumb based on years of experience

Common Sense

A collection personal experience and facts acquired over time which humans tend to take for granted .

Procedural Knowledge

How to do a task / Carry out a procedure

Psychomotor skills

Hold a handrail while riding an escalator Non psychomotor Fluently speaking a language

Declarative Knowledge
Awareness knowledge of which the expert is conscious Shallow readily recalled simple uncomplicated information Resides in short term memory Remember a number from a list to dial

Semantic Knowledge
Deep kind of highly organized knowledge residing in long term memory In the memory for years Used very often Seems like second nature Vocabulary, facts, relationships

Episodic Knowledge
Based on experiential information Is in long term memory More time an expert takes to explain the knowledge the more episodic it is

Shallow Knowledge

Procedural Knowledge Declarative Knowledge

Semantic Knowledge

Deep Knowledge

Episodic Knowledge

Tacit Knowledge
Knowledge embedded in human mind through experience and jobs Personal and hard to formalize and communicate

Intuitions, values & beliefs

Explicit Knowledge
Knowledge codified & digitalized in documents, books, spreadsheet, memos, training course Knowing that theoretical knowledge Easier to identify as it is a physical entity which can be measured and distributed

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