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Task: Match the word to the date in which it came into use.

Resource 1

groovy brill bootleg freckle

noggin ace thou bling dyson dude chillin boogie pence thy duvet bees knees tweet 1066 1800s 1920s 1960s 1980s 1600s

789 2000s

Resource 1

groovy 1960s

noggin 1800s

ace 1980s

thou/thy 1600s
Bootleg 1800s

brill 1980s dyson 1980s

chillin 1990s

dude 1990s

boogie 1960s
Freckle 789 duvet 1066

pence 1800s
bees knees 1920s tweet 2000s

bling 2000s 789

1066 1800s 1920s 1960s 1600s 1980s 2000s

Resource 1

groovy brill bootleg


noggin ace thou thy dyson dude chillin boogie pence duvet bees knees tweet bling

Which words do you use? Which words may have changed meanings?

Resource 1

Choose two words to explore their origins more closely Use a dictionary to find the original meaning of the word and see if it has changed meaning - how and why this has happened

Resource 1

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