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Injection or sterile parenteral farmasetis dosage form is a solution, emulsion, suspension, or powder that must be dissolved or suspended prior

to use, which is injected by way of ripping into the skin or tissue through the skin or mucous membranes or through one or more layers of skin or membrane mucosa using a syringe.

One way the administration of drugs commonly used in healthcare is the provision of intravenous medications or intravenous injection. Intravenous injection is the provision of a bat with a way to enter the drug into the vein using a syringe. Intravenous injection of a lot done to address the emergency situation, dehydration and shock. The purpose of intravenous injection, among others: a. To obtain a more rapid drug reactions compared with other parental injection. b. To avoid tissue damage. c. To put the drugs in greater volume. Administration of drugs by intravenous injection provides the fastest reaction is 18 seconds for a drug that passed through a blood vessel to react immediately to the cells and tissues, so the effect is more rapid and stronger. However, intravenous injection can provide risk, foreign object directly into the blood vessels that cause severe reactions resulting in a sudden drop in blood pressure until shock. In the intravenous injection should pay attention to beberpa things. One of them is the site of injection. Below are some common body part is given an intravenous injection: On the arms, veins basalika and cephalic vein In Tungkal, Vena sapheneous In the neck, jugular vein At the head, frontal and Vena Vena temporalis

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