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Here we canNanae

see Ikuta
her climbing up a
wide ladder. 3, 2004
This gross motor skill fit
Observations done by: Emily Helmchen
into number 16 of the Creative
She of observations:
wanted October
a little bit of 22, 24, and 27 of 2008
help at first, but then she finished
climbing upPhysical Development
by herself. She was very
pleased with herself when she got to
the top. She was able to have plenty
of time to practice this skill of
climbing while out on the
Social/Emotional Development Number 10, which says, plays well with children
is demonstrated in this photo. She successfully
entered a group and played cooperatively.
Wolfie, Leala, and Nanae interacted with each
other while playing with the dollhouse and
people. They took some turns speaking and
played well while sitting next to each other. They
all had their own little things going on and would
come back together every once in awhile to play
Number 15 of the Creative Curriculum is being
as a group. It was interesting to see them
demonstrated here. From this picture you can see
interact with each other. Nanae showed many
that Nanae shows balance while moving. She
different emotions while playing. You can see
walked along the beam frontwards easily and with
from her face that she was playing angry at that

During this picture I observed Nanae and Logan. They had

a lot of fun playing in the clean mud together. They talked
about what it felt and smelled like. Miss Maynard had a
bowl with water for the children to rinse off their hands.
Nanae demonstrated number 9 of the Creative Curriculum
by telling us that she still needed to go wash her hands
when she was done and also reminded Logan that he
Nanae can copy
needed to doand
same. She is very aware of the
classroom rules and name.
letters, and her followsFrom
them very well. From observing
this her
picture yousee
see she
number 21 and
of understands reasons
I could follows
the Creative Curriculum; uses tools for
for classroom rules.
writing and drawing. This picture was
taken during small group and she was
drawing a picture of what the pumpkin
felt like. She also wrote her name on
the front. You can see from this picture
that she was concentrating very hard
on her writing.
Cognitive Development
These pictures show Nanae’s persistence in approaching a task. This is number
24 of the CreativeDCurriculum. She continued to work on the task even when
she was having a difficult time. The lab student did a great job encouraging her
to keep trying. She tried many times flipping the pieces different ways until she
figured it out. You can see that she was concentrating very hard. I also learned
that it is important to encourage the child that they can do it. Encouragement
can really
While Nanae help a child
and Jonathan were toon
swingsconfidence and succeed. She is determined
when she starts a task to
they had so much fun together. It made mefinish it. After a little while she went back to this same
laugh topuzzle
watch and
them did it all over
interact. again. was
Jonathan She inwas proud of herself when she finished it.
a silly mood and was laughing a lot and making
funny faces. She recognized that he was happy
and said that Jonathan was funny. Then they
both were making funny faces together and
laughing. She demonstrated number 11 of the
Creative Curriculum. She recognized Jonathan’s
feelings and36; makes believe
responded with objects.
appropriately. You canNanae
used make-believe props in planned
see from the picture that they were having a and
great play. She
time together. Theused an object
center allowsto represent
plenty of
time for the children to enjoy their time Cinderella
something. She was pretending to be
together andShe foundinthis
interact funlittle
ways.windmill in the
dramatic play area and pretended it was her
magic wand. The magic wands made you fly,
she said.

This picture also followed the Creative

Curriculum part that discusses exploring cause
and effect. When she first saw this object she
turned it with her fingers. She then wondered
what would happen if she blew on it, and she
tried it. The first time it didn’t really move. I told
her to breath harder and the next time it went
around a couple times. She asked questions
about the object. I also learned more about the
importance of the children exploring the world
around them and asking lots of questions. The
children are encouraged at our preschool to ask
as many questions as they want. They are
curious about the world around them.
Language Development This picture demonstrates number 44 and
shows how she enjoys and values reading.
Nanae chose, on her own, to read a story.
During the story she asked questions and
answered questions the lab student asked
her. She told me after the story how much
she likes to read books and how her mom
reads her books. She was paying attention
very well to the story; you could just see
her brain trying to figure it all out. The
environment the children are in has many
books and chances for the children to
engage in these books.

From number 43 of the Creative Curriculum you can

see her actively participating in a conversation. She
likes to have conversations with the adults in
classroom. She was telling the lab student about
how she flew on an airplane and use to live in
Michigan. She answered questions and asked the lab
student questions about airplanes. When the lab
student didn’t understand what she was saying
about when she lived in Michigan Nanae continued
to try and explain it. It is very easy and fun to carry
on a conversation with her. She enjoys talking about
things going on in her life. She shows her emotions
very well when talking.

Number 40 of the Creative Curriculum is

demonstrated in this photo, it says;
understands and follows oral directions.
Nanae was told it would be time to clean
up in five minutes. After five minutes she
was told to clean up the blocks, go wash
her hands, and then get her dishes for
snack. She followed directions that had
more than two steps. During my
observations she followed directions very
well. I think it is important for the
children to be able to follow directions
and the center helps them to work on
this skill.

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