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Radio activity (interview) revised

Reporter: Im Diego Morales and I am here to inform you of some very disturbing news. Do you know what your children, nephew, nieces and little cousins are playing in school these days. A new upcoming game called Rape-Tag. Yes, you heard me correct RAPETAG. Its like the freeze tag we use to play when we were younger, however to get unfrozen one must be humped by someone else. Apparently this new fad is hitting in Minnesota in the 5th graders world. What do you think of this new trend? Should we be more concerned about the future of our country? And Who is teaching the kids horrible things like this? Melissa Carmona a published photographer has a few things to say about this.

Melissa Carmona: When I heard about this I was appalled

ruins kids innocence and I do not approve this at all

Reporter: Mark Williams an University student also has something to say .

Mark Williams: I have a little sister I cant protect her

I disapprove

Reporter: this is Diego Morales reporting for wknj 90.3

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