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Where students become champion

A Dinner of Smells
Bridges 1 Unit 6 Study Questions Section 1. P153 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Who is the story about? What is the problem with the poor man? What happens every time he sees food? What happens at a restaurant one day? Why does the restaurant owner want the poor man to pay? Why does the restaurant owner bring the poor man to the court? What does the judge think about the matter? How does the poor man feel about the trial?

Section 2. P154-155 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What does the poor man do in the next morning? Why do you think he does that? Who does the poor man meet on the way to the court? Who is he? How do you think the relationship between the judge and the restaurant owner is? What does the judge decide about the case? Why do you think the judge decide the case that way? Do you think the judges decision is fair? Why? What does Nasruddin do to help the poor man? Do you think what Nasruddin pay is fair? Why?

Maner R Siburian

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