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Many shorthand-thpist, otherwise extremely capable, are often deerrd from applying for a more senior post, if they read in the job descritption that they will be expected to operate any modem office equipment. They many, for instance be alarmed at the idea of using a computerinstead of a manual typewriter of they may feel that any work involing the use of an acconts machine will test their mathematijal skills. This is unfortunate, iit is more likely that onve the first step of applying for and obtaining such a job, the successful candidates will find that any fears with any piece of office equipment. It is vital to remember thath as more and more business become automated there is a growing needs foa all office workers to update their skills to include an appreciation of modem office technologies. In their case,once training has been completed,any hesitation should have disappeared aand operator should begin to appreciate how much more the work has be easier.

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