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Integrate UX into Agile Traditionally, UX isnt built into Agile.

But by adapting collaborative design techniques, you can become an integral part of the Agile process. Design for the Users Context By gathering contextual data on and building for how people actually work, your teams will understand your design decisions and rally around them. Write UX Stories for Agile Development Help your Agile team deliver effectively by writing stories that describe the user experience as small, actionable inputs with expected outcomes.


Lean UX encourages designers to re-examine the way they've been working with their team mates and to increase the levels of collaboration and conversation between those teammates. It focuses UX Design on getting to an experience rather than a document describing that experience and bringing developers, product managers, marketers and stakeholders along with you on that journey. The old adage is very true here - if you cant measure it, you cant manage it. Lean UX works in Agile because it focuses on optimizing for specific goals -- goals that can be measured. As product experiences are designed and tested, the learning that comes from those tests is applied back into the design helping the entire team understand why the product is taking the directional changes it is No time to design upfront, developers drive the process, no attention is paid to the big pic of the project. When UX is forced into a developer-driven process many of the things stated above have the potential of happening. However, when implemented in a collaborative manner, all disciplines are given the opportunity to execute their work in the most beneficial way to the project. In fact, focusing on Agiles smaller time frames (sprints) focuses the team on reasonably sized scopes of work that can be implemented well. Jeff Gothelf

One of the challenges to doing agile well is to move away from thinking of units of functionality to thinking of units of customer valuewhich may need to combine multiple functional elements. Remember the whole point of agile is that your primary goal is not to deliver some fixed functionality you defined at some point in the pastbut to deliver what you now know the user needs NOW. Hugh Beyer

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