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1. Answer the following questions.

a) Whats your name?
b) How old are you?
c) Where are you from?
d) Have you got any brothers or sisters?
e) Do you like sports?
f) What is your favourite sport?
g) Write the following numbers in English: 158- 4400- 68- 87225 and 933.

2. Translate into Spanish.

1. The desk is behind the cupboard.
2. My tracksuit wasnt in the wardrobe.
3. There are some hungry crocodiles in the river.
4. Is there a swimming pool in the gym?
5. Sarah is more beautiful than Julie.

3. Fill in the blanks with is, am, are or was, were.

a) I ________ not very pretty.
b) Miguel ___________ a good boy when he was a child.
c) ___________ there many birds in the garden last year?
d) Louise and Mary _________12 years old when they moved. Now, they study at
e) They ________ from London, although they ______ (live) in Madrid at the moment.
4. Fill in the blanks with one suitable word. HER/HIS/MY/YOUR
1. Ive got a sister. ________ name is Isabel.
2. ________ mothers nationality is Italian.

3. Pedro and _______ brother are my best friends.

4. You and _______ family are always on holidays?
5. Whats the time?
.- Son las 12.15: _________________________________________________________
.- Son las 5.45: __________________________________________________________
.- Son las 11.00: _________________________________________________________
.- Son las 09.30: _________________________________________________________

6. Fill in the clanks with the right preposition: under, on, in, opposite, between.
1. February is ____________ January and March.
2. Its raining, so the students are playing __________ the classroom.
3. The teachers dictionary is always _______ his table.
4. When the teacher speaks in class, she is always _____________ the students.
5. Peters shoes are _________ his bed, he is sleeping at the moment.

7. Continue each of these series. (Add at least 2 more words).

- Pyjamas, shorts, _________________
- Rhino, parrot, ___________________

- Spring, winter,______________________
- Shelf, chair, ________________________

8. Write the opposites.

.- sad: _________
.- small: ________

.- thin: _________
.- hot: _________

9. Can you write todays date in full? ______________________________________

10. Whats the weather like today? ________________________________________

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