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Producto 2-- Writing Name: CRISTIAN VILLEGAS RUIZ Date:09/03/2012

Lengua extranjera VIII

Dressing up for work

Instructions: After reading the article on pg. 40. Discuss how do professionals dress for work here? Do people wear business casual? Do you think the way a person dresses has an effect on how he/she works? In what way? . Express your opinion about wearing casual clothes to work; do you know any companies in Mexico that have that policy? Do you think it would be a good idea to implement that idea in our country? Why, or why not? (80 words)

I think that if you comfortable clothes help a lot in your performance at work by that being comfortable helps you relax and concentrate more on your work this is definitely favorable to do your job, about what the article I think most Mexican companies should use such items obviously there are times where you have to use formal dress as a certain type of people need to show seriously at work. if I remember that P & G does this let employees go to work with the clothes they like, or feel comfortable the point is that employees feel good and comfortable to do their jobs

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