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Corruption indisputably a very big social Problem. Not only in India, it is prevalent throughout the world.

Corruption arises when Society get degenerated and crosses the standard norms of morality set by the society.

Firstly, there are number of causes for corruption. Like problem in judiciary system, to make huge sum money and last but not the least indifference of politicians. Today it has seeped in the very blood stream of the system.

Lack of laws against corruption, enhances bribery which reveals that the judiciary system is not so effective in this case. Moreover, certain people choose illicit ways like embezzlement to make huge some money. Indifference of politician is also one of the big causes for corruption. The various political parties turns a blind eye when their supporters resorts to corruption and government do not take any steps against them because of this the respect for government in public's life eroded.

In conclusion, problem in judiciary system, to make huge sum money and indifference of politicians are the biggest causes for corruption. Government has to made new policies against it because we want our nation to get advance not deteriorate.

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