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@ October 2, 2010. USC-TC Street Cleaning I believed and had promised myself to finish my subjects with a high remark.

But my fortune turned ugly; somehow I lost my CWTS journal. I felt an awful sense of loss. I just cant simply accept such easy failures. Down to my deepest sweat, I hoped to still comply 5 entries, but I didnt because I just simply cannot. Our activities for journal entries are limited. Finally, I had my fate decided on the second day of October. Ma-nilhig mu diha gawas sa gate. Gikan diha sa may Gate 1 hantud sa last. Ang duha ka side inyung silhigan Sir Daculan said. My eyes almost popped out! I soon realized moments later that it is ok anyway. In fact, I felt happy that finally I had my chance to make things go right again. The rain stopped, and I felt my heart rising again. The feeling of having another chance is so pleasing. Then I thought of doing it right on that very hot day. After our class I met with my co-janitors of the day and formulated things that happened out. Some urged to do it Sunday morning. Some said next week. Then one of us suggested: Bai! Unsa man diay naa kun bohatun nato karun? Init? Indeed he was right, we had to take that opportunity. We needed to wear our CWTS shirt, and we were currently wearing it. We were to do the task together, and we were complete. The only thing left was for us to execute the task. The sun was still. Noise and smoke was allover. And we were playing patentero with the motored killers. We got broomsticks from Gate 2. We then started cleaning in front of the 2nd gate. We continued towards Shell Gas Station and on. After we almost reached the mark, we crossed the road and cleaned back towards the direction of Gate 2. Exhausted we took cover under the roof of Julies Bakeshop, and regain some strength back. We laughed at our selves thinking that we were really doing it. Strong and ready again, we went on. Burned and smoked, wasted and hungry, we joyfully finished it. This semesters last CWTS reflection paper was the last key to the puzzle. It was all left for us to write. I think its clear that this is not about cleaning. This is about responsibility and commitment. Good for us though we failed yet given chance. I knew responsibility and consequences very well. Good. I learned it again.

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