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Following AFS can be a valuable experience for the participants. This is so because: First, it makes the participants have a strong connection to and involvement with the people and the way of life of their host countries. During the programme, the participants are placed in classrooms. They should attend a local secondary school as full-time students. They should also live with a host familiy, having daily experience of living in another cultural environment. Moreover, it makes the participants able to understand and to express themselves in another language, often freely. Because they should live in an English speaking community, where English is spoken every day, in order to fulfill their needs, they should be able to communicate using the language. Another reason is that, it encourages the participants to become more aware of the issues affecting their host society, to engage in service to the community. It gives an opportunity for the participants to volunteer with an organization serving local community initiatives : street children project, orphanages, etc.


Argument 1

Elaboration Point

Argument 2

Elaboration Point

Argument 3

In short, the programme is useful for the participants.

Reiteration Elaboration

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