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Presentador: Pablo

Invitada : Wang Xi

Presenter: Welcome and good morning to other session of "Otaku Crner " a program where you'll can know all last news of Japan : videogames , mangas, films etc... Surely you already know who Hiromu Arakawa is. Yes, she is the author of the new manga Full Metal Alchemist, today she is here to talk us about this . Good morning Hiromu. Hiromu: Good morning Paul, it's nice to be here. Presenter : Not, the pleasure is mine. So, what Full Metal Alchemist is about ? Hiromu: Well, when the brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric experience with the alchemy, a mistic power capable of change the nature, to realize their wish, they pay a high price: Edward lose an arm and one leg, and Alphone's soul was trapped in a iron armor. Then, Edward and Alphonse start a trip full of dangers and enemies to recovery their human bodies, and trough the power of the Full Metal Alchemist they 1 get it. 1 Presenter: Oh my god, it really sound good! Hiromu: Thanks! o

Presenter: Ok... when I saw the title of the manga, I started to investigate the alchemy. I found an article of this, and it say the alchemy is a process that consist in transmute elements in different other ones, however these have to be equivalent. Now I ask you, do you belive the alchemy exist? And i f it existed does would it be good or bad? Hiromu: Mmm... I don't know i f the alchemy exist, but I think it would be good. We could solve a lot of problems in the world and to improve the quality of life through the transmutations of equivalent things. Presenter: You're right, it would be great. Well, coming to the story of the Elric brothers, as I have could heard the purpose of the trip is to find the Filosofal Rock. What is the meaning of this rock? Hiromu: Oh, yes. As you have told before the transmutation only fimction i f you use equivalent elements. Well, with the power of this rock you can transmute that you want and allow you skip the rule.

Presenter: Aaa, I understand it now, they can't transmute parts of the body without other parts equal. Well, last ,the people wonder i f Full Metal Alchemist will be broadcast on televisin. Hiromu: Well, I don't know it yet. However i f the manga is successful maybe we'll think it. Presenter: Thanks, it's good to know it. Well, we have carne here. Thanks Hiromu for to come here . Hiromu: Not are all. Presenter: And good bye.

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