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EXT. FLORISTS DAY TRAFFIC NOISES. SHOP BELL. MUFFLED CHATTER. The setting is established with the florist window, full of a wide variety of plants. CROSS DISSOLVE INT. FLORISTS DAY WEBSTER THE YUCCA PLANT stands alone when something on his right grabs his attention. He stretches over to get a clearer look and is stunned by what he sees. DELILAH THE DAFFODIL stands in the distance displaying her elegance off. Webster SIGHS with awe. DING. He is struck with an idea. Beside the front window Webster goes about making himself look presentable pulling his leaves to try and flatten them. PINK. It doesnt go as planned. Webster checks himself out before beginning to strut along the table top towards Delilah. Delilah performs a double take to check she is really seeing what she thinks she is. Webster arrives beside her and creates a heart shape with his leaves however this is not revealed just yet. 90 DEGREE CAMERA TURN Delilahs face is now shown inside the heart Webster made. She giggles and leans towards him. Delilah leans right in to give him a kiss. Webster is sent into shock, his leaves shooting into the air. 360 DEGREE CAMERA TURN He travels across the table top dizzily with a heart following him. The heart pops snapping Webster out of his stupor.

Realising what he has achieved Webster leaps out of his pot in celebration launching into the air. He performs a flip and proceeds to bounce about the table. He performs spins then leaps up landing back into his pot where Delilah stands beside him. Delilah leans in for a second kiss. HEART SHAPE FADE OUT

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