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Katie Steeb Prof. Bruner 3-13-12 Informal #7 Cyber Bullying: Real or not?

Going through puberty and attending middle and high school can be very trying on a students life and focus. Bullying has always been a very prominent in students educational career. Bullying has been around for years and will continue to be present in schools in the future. More recently with in the past few years there has been another type of bullying taking place on and off school campuses, cyber bullying. The act of cyber bullying is a form of bullying that is impersonal and is done through the use of electronic devices. Cyberbullying: a serious problem, but not a epidemic written by unknown author on on September 13, 2011; states that while cyber bullying is a considerable problem in for young adults it is not a severe and growing problem. The article states, that while yes cyber bullying is a problem it is not affecting all teens and is not causing suicides as the media is portraying it. The article also states that there are statistics that show a lower percentage od student admitting to being bullying in person and online. Cyber Bullying and the Classroom written by Courtney Stoel of Grand Valley State University on May 12, 2011; states that cyber bullying is a extreme mental beatings on students. The article also states that cyber bullying is a large cause for students not doing well in schools, committing harm to themselves and others, and taking their own life. The article also states that the many teachers and

Katie Steeb Prof. Bruner 3-13-12 Informal #7 administrators are not aware of the growing problem that is surrounding their students.

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