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Suddenly, the lights went out and the house was in complete darkness.

I rolled over on my queen-sized bed, trying to sleep Ive tried everything counting sheep, yoga (something I dont actually believe) , listening to classical to metal music and practically all the sleeping positions I know of all with the air conditioner at full blast. None actually worked. Damn. Figuring there was no GPS in the world that would lead me to the Land of Nod, I tossed my fluffy, Ikea pillow away creating more space for me, in the sea of pillows. I flashback to that horrendous, eventful night like the one Im encountering now, December 3rd, ordinary as it seems, or so I thought. It was a calm, pleasant Saturday night. Aahhh, the best day of the week. How nice. I thought. But God, how wrong was I, that instant. The tall, majestic trees were gently swaying in the cool evening breeze. The cotton-like white clouds were sailing above like a painting on the wall. I drew shut my curtain. I positioned myself on the bed ; restless, and the air-cond was switched on (sorry, Mr. Ozone!). I was updating my Facebook, Gmail and most certainly my Twitter account. Facebook: 43 notifications, 7 messages and 13 friend requests? Right. Being an avid user of all the accounts mentioned above, its really difficult not to sign in for more than a week, including 4 days in Lazyland. The ET soundtrack by Katy Perry took over the chill, eerie silence that filled my bedroom. Out of a sudden,

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