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performed in standing, supine and lateral positions Inspection lumbar lordosis attitude of limb levels of ASIS, patellae, malleoli swelling--gluteal region ,Scarpas triangle, trochanteric region scars, sinuses skin over the joint muscle wasting Palpation temperature tenderness-anterior joint line, posterior joint line trochanteric palpation o level o trochanteric tenderness- superficial /deep / transtrochanteric o trochanteric surface--thickening / irregularity palpable swelling o hard : femoral head, bony neoplasm o firm : soft tissue neoplasm o soft : cold abscess Vascular sign of Narath Movements DEFORMITY EVALUATION Thomas test for flexion deformity of the hip determination of abduction / adduction deformity Flexion Extension Abduction Adduction External & internal rotation in hip extension (prone) & with hip flexed 90 degrees active/passive lag/deformity/arc compare with opposite side Differential rotation Knee to axilla sign MEASUREMENTS apparent length true lengthsupratrochanteric 1. Bryants triangle 2. Nelatons line 3. Shoemakers line

infratrochanteric segmental lengths- femur, tibia thigh & calf girth Gluteal wasting Galeazzi test Special tests Trendelenburg test Trendelenburg sign telescopy Other tests Gait Function-ambulation distance, walking, sitting, squatting,stairs Other joints-Hip, SI joint , knee joint lymph nodes (inguinal,external iliac group) Per abdomen examination Per rectal examination

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