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Had this same issue with 5.5 on a 2003 EE: 9 instantes of OutProcAdapter.exe eating up over 3Gb of RAM.

Fixed this by: 1. Open 5.5 console 2. Open AV Protection\Additional Settings 3. Define the "Protection Performance" based on the load or messages processed (on the server). Meaning if your server is processing 50K of messages an hour define the "Number of Scanning Threads" higher to accomodate the large amount of messages being processed. But if your (thankfully) not processing that number of messages (like me) then define these down to 2 or 3. Note: A higher number can have the affect of messages being "queued" for processing (un-desirable) and will ramp run the CPU and Memory usage if you have a lower number of messages to process. Do this for the "Number of copies of the AV Kernal" as well (I used the same numbers for both settings); just below the above module. Click apply and return to the task manager; you should now see that the many instances of OPA.exe has decreased and the CPU and Memory usage are at more desirable levels. 4. If you have the Anti-Spam enabled open the AS Module\Advanced\Protection section and reduce or expand the "Number of copies of the AS kernal" using the same idea outlined above. You can also define the "Maximum time to scan 1 message" settings here as well. I would suggest "playing" with these settings to determine what is the best "fit" for you environment as mail systems are all different. But do realsize that these setting can have a signifigant effects of the overall loads the KAV 5.5 puts on your mail servers and system, there by enhancing or killing the preformance of the overall system.

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