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Introduce yourself

my name is., I am. Years old

,graduated in, I live in., I worked before in., my father is working
in,my mother is working inmy brother is working in..

....Why you left your previous work
searching for better chance, learning many new things, gain experiences
to help me to achieve my goals


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What do you know about customer service?
I know that it is the most important department in the company, for
example if a customer is having a problem with one of our product the
first thing he will do is calling the customer service and my mission is to
stay with him until I solve the problem.
And also I have to expect the problem before it happens for example if
someone called from Aswan and have a problem and someone else called
from Aswan and also ha has the same problem I have to expect that there
is a problem in the product or service in Aswan and I will inform my team

leader or the responsible for net work because I read in the internet that
from every 100 customer only 3 will call the customer service if they have
a problem and the rest just leave the product.

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Why do you want to work in customer service?
The answer of (what do you know about customer service)
And then I say the characteristics of the person who work in customer
service such as friendly, educated, have a clear voice, clever helpful, and I
find myself in this field

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Say or mention 3 defects (disadvantage) in your character

I wasn't organized in my goals that I was started by the important before

the most important. And I wanted to learn everything in the same time
but now I organized all my ideas. Was hurried when started something
(course) I want to finish it before it started but now organized my ideas
and red how to think. I wouldn't like to work in team because didn't try
before but now I hope so.

Why I have to chose you to work
Because I am cultured, friendly, have clear voice I know how to treat the
people, helpful, can work under pressure, work in any department and
learn the rules shortly. Maybe I am not the best one here but the best
one can work.

How you see yourself after five years
I have many goals I want to achieve it, first thing pass this interview and
then I want to be a team leader...... ......... ......... ..

If an angry customer called you what will you do
Of course he is angry because he has a problem and he doesn't know how
to solve it so I have to calm him down and will not end the call until I
solve his problem and if the problem will take more than one day I have
to fallow with him.
and no way being angry with any customer, If I will Put myself in his place
sure I will be angry too.

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