The Crater

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The crater-lake is enigmatic, singular presence, inside the mosquito is grown, an insect that is exported to countries like Germany

and poultry feed. The water is high in salt which is why it is used as irrigation, but brings a peculiar legend, a mixture of myth and reality, then transcribe: At the end of last century Mr. Squire, owner of lives and destinies, ordered water tested call Parangueo Hoya's corner. Times were difficult and required the use of water in an efficient manner. For this mission entrusted to the most faithful and responsible for his servants to take a water sample without contaminating the Hoya and transport it to Mexico City for further analysis. Same as our humble character made only with the proviso that apparently jealous coyoteado by the butler who saw that he was slowly losing ground in the eyes of the landowner; he commanded a wing of accomplices who approached him drunk and tricked him. During the period of intoxication the messenger lost his gourd and with it the valuable content to analyze. Realizing the next day, the lack of it, preferring to buy another and fill it with water from the area, it appears that this happened between Celaya and Queretaro, once done the latter, went his way. Upon his return, with positive results in hand, full of remorse but more fear of being discovered in his absence, gave them to his employer. At the sight of them Mr. Squire ordered to build a tunnel to serve as a vent to the waters of the crater and, upon completion of the works celebrated with great joy the happy future in store for you such a great building, but what was his surprise to realize , as soon as the faithful steward who took care of it the water which was watering his crops was salty and not good for anything! Full of shame, embarrassment and disappointment, the former employee of the farm met de la Hoya's corner Parangueo only thought about suicide. Was thinking and doing one thing. His body was found the day after the end of the tunnel for their disloyalty and cowardice had been built. They say that blood gushed from the body slipped to mingle with the waters of the lake that now, as a way of trying to fix the error, stained red to announce and to prevent disaster.

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