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Reasoning philosophically

What is an argument
Everyday concept of argument Philosophical concept of argument:
1. An argument puts forward a set of premises and infers a conclusion from them 2. A good argument is one in which the premises support the conclusion effectively 3. The structure of an argument

Analysis of arguments
Four steps of analysis
What is the problem involved? What is the answer to the problem (conclusion)? How is the answer arrived at (reasoning process)? On what grounds (premises) does the answer stand?

Types of reasoning methods 1. Deduction 2. Induction 3. Analogy

A deductive argument attempts to draw out a logically necessary conclusion from some premises All deductive arguments are either logically valid or invalid This depends on the underlying structure of the argument

Deductive argument
Valid argument: the conclusion follows with necessity from its premises:
If it rains, the streets become wet It rains The streets become wet

Deductive argument
Invalid argument or fallacy: an error or deficiency in an argument:
If it rains, I will stay at home I will stay at home It rains

Inductive reasoning draws a general conclusion from specific facts The premises give support to the conclusion, but not with necessity
All swans that have ever been observed are white Therefore: All swans are white

The conclusion is not logically guaranteed from the premises, so induction cant give 100% certainty The stronger the evidence supporting an inductive argument, the more reliable its conclusion will be Statistic and probability

Claims that there is a relationship between two items that is comparable with the relationship between two other items A is to B as C is to D Strong analogical arguments vs. weak ones

Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Barrier

1. What is the problem involved? 2. What is the answer to the problem (conclusion)? 3. How is the answer arrived at (reasoning process)? 4. On what grounds (premises) does the answer stand? 5. How sound are the arguments?

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