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Proofs of Logarithm Properties (with worked solutions & videos)

The rules of logarithms are 1) Product Rule

The logarithm of a product is the sum of the logarithms of the factors. loga xy = loga x + loga y 2) Quotient Rule The logarithm of a quotient is the logarithm of the numerator minus the logarithm of the denominator loga 3) Power Rule loga xn = nloga x 4) Change of Base Rule = loga x loga y

where x and y are postive, and a > 0, a 1

Proof for the Product Rule loga xy = loga x + loga y Proof: Step 1: Let m = loga x and n = loga y Step 2: Write in exponent form x = am and y = an Step 3: Multiply x and y x y = am an = am+n Step 4: Take log a of both sides and evaluate log a xy = log a am+n log a xy = (m + n) log a a log a xy = m + n log a xy = loga x + loga y

Proof for the Quotient Rule loga Proof: Step 1: Let m = loga x and n = loga y = loga x loga y

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4/15/2012 7:54 AM

Proofs of Logarithm Properties (with worked solutions & videos)

Let m = loga x and n = loga y Step 2: Write in exponent form x = am and y = an Step 3: Divide x by y x y = am an = am n Step 4: Take log a of both sides and evaluate log a (x y) = log a am n log a (x y) = (m n) log a a log a (x y) = m n log a (x y) = loga x loga y

Proof for the Power Rule loga xn = nloga x Proof: Step 1: Let m = loga x Step 2: Write in exponent form x = am Step 3: Raise both sides to the power of n xn = ( am )n Step 4: Convert back to a logarithmic equation log a xn = mn Step 5: Substitute for m = loga x log a xn = n loga x

Proof for the Change of Base Rule

Proof: Step 1: Let x = loga b Step 2: Write in exponent form ax = b Step 3: Take log c of both sides and evaluate log c ax = log c b xlog c a = log c b

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4/15/2012 7:54 AM

Proofs of Logarithm Properties (with worked solutions & videos)

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4/15/2012 7:54 AM

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