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Prezi Assignment

Directions: You and a classmate will work in class to create a 4-5 min. presentation. The presentation will be about a pre-colombian Native American tribe. The information provided in the presentation should be only about that tribe before interaction with Europeans. Your presentation should be done on Prezi. The information that must be included is below. Not every word should be written on the Prezi, some of it should be spoken. You will have a class period to prepare and you are expected to nish it for the following class. Information to be included: Where were they located? How did they adapt to their environment? What type of government did they use? What was their culture like? What were their religious beliefs? What types of foods did they eat? Include any other interesting facts you nd along the way. After you have completed your presentation you must imbed your Prezi presentation on your blog, so other students can access it.

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