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Dear Mathematics Team, PLEASE HELP!

Evil Aliens from Mars have infected Planet Earth with a fatal virus. There is an anti-dote, but it is hidden somewhere in our Solar System. You must find the anti-dote to save human kind. Detective Jones already collected together witness statements from some friendly aliens and other information about the anti-dote, but unfortunately died of the evil virus before he could reveal the location of the anti-dote. Use the clues he has collected to help you find the exact location of the anti-dote and complete his letter to the Prime Minister. Remember, the world is counting on you! Good luck!

Alien Bob lived on Mars for over 16 months before moving on to warmer climates. He worked at a factory which produced the virus.

Alien Tim reported seeing the anti-dote in a sealed container. It seems that a 12 digit password must be entered to open the container. Each floor of the Green Vegetables Building has 100 rooms. The nearest room to the lift is 1 and the furthest away is 100. The anti-dote is in the 16th room from the end.

Mars City is divided into four symmetrical sectors.

Alien Amanda received a message revealing that the anti-dote container was hidden on the 6th floor of a Green Vegetables building.

The evil creators of the virus and its anti-dote are believed to work for Green Vegetables Ltd.

Each of the four sections of Mars City has the same number of buildings.

Mars City buildings are numbered in a logical order, starting with building number 1 in section 1.

Building number 820 of Mars City is the last building in section 4.

There are exactly 820 buildings in Mars City.

Venus has 8 cities, each with 212 buildings.

The anti-dote container was made by Alien Hamish who lives on the planet Venus.

The Green Vegetables Company Ltd has offices in Mars City, London and Venus Central. Alien Amy saw that the anti-dote container was red, green and blue.

The London branch of the Green Vegetables company has 5 floors.

3,212 people have died of the evil Alien virus to date.

The Green Vegetables branch in Mars City is located in the last building of section 1

Last year Green Vegetables Ltd made a loss of 300, 000.

The anti-dote takes 3 days to start working.

There are 212 aliens registered as tourists on Planet Earth this month.

The Green Vegetables company makes orange juice.

Venus central has 12 buildings, each with 10 floors.

Alien Vince saw a red and blue container that needed a 12 digit password in Venus Central 8 months ago

The Green Vegetables company sells only 1 product.

Dear Detective Jones, Due to the scientific properties of the anti-dote, I have deduced that it must be stored on a planet that has no oxygen in the air and a temperature of between 30 and 50 degrees at night time. I hope this helps your quest!! Mr. Science.

Planetary Information There are 8 planets and our sun in our Solar System.

Planet Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

Night Temperature 200 degrees 150 degrees 30 degrees 45 degrees 10 degrees -20 degrees -30 degrees -50 degrees

Atmosphere Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide and Methane Nitrogen, Oxygen Carbon Dioxide and Methane Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide

Detective Jones! I have deduced the container code! Im a bit worried that our letters are being read, so just in case Ive written down the 12 digit code in clues! I know those pesky martians cant work out our sums, but Im sure you can work it out! Best wishes, Alien Susan.

The code for the anti-dote container is 12 numbers long. You must enter them in this order: Number 1 and 2 are the answer to: 12 x 3 Number 3 and 4 are the answer to: 8 x 7 Number 5 is the answer to: 3x3 30 6

Numbers 6 and 7 are the answer to: x3 Numbers 8 and 9 are the answer to: x7

Numbers 10 and 11 are the answer to: 4x8 Number 12 is the answer to: 4x2

Dear Prime Minister, The anti-dote to the evil virus is located here: Planet: City: Building Number: Floor: Room Number: Please send a team immediately collect it. When they arrive at the above location they will need this code to open the container:

Yours, The Mathematicians

The maths

The anti-dote is in a container. You need to crack a code to open the container.. The code is 365699042328, calculate sums to work this out in letter from Alien Susan. The anti-dote is located on Mars. This can be found from the letter from Mr.Science. The container is in building 205, 6th floor, room 84 of Mars City. This can be calculated from clue cards.

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