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dhndhn aan aanash aanud aanug aaps aar aarsh aaraarsh aarshlt aarshu aarrz aath afagh agon

akakash akashuga in half) akashuga-hai akh, akhakhoth akhum

leave, abandon (v) RE alone (adj) RE sun (noun) LOS (<Quenya anar) dawn (verb) RE South RE morning RE meat (noun) LOS (<Quenya apsa) early (adv) LOS (<Quenya arinya) day (noun) LOS morning (= dawn) LOS yesterday (n) LOS tomorrow (n) LOS soon (adj) LOS dog LOS throw, cast (verb) LOS and TK twilight, dusk (noun) SV cut or stab (verb) LOS (<Quenya ecet, short stabbing sword) half LOS hobbit, "halfling" (noun) LOS (< ak + ash + uga, = one who was cut

hobbit-people LOS 1. yes 2. agree (verb) LOS "Yes, Sir!" (said to a superior officer in the orc army) agreement (noun) LOS

aklash akul akrakrum akrrz akl alai amal amat mbal amol amirz amub amubnar amukh mul amut ana aandar aandartrz nghsh nghaanghum aquuaquum

music (noun) SV chest, torso (noun) LOS drink (verb) LOS drink (noun, as in an alcoholic drink) LOS drunk (adj) LOS ice, glacier (noun) SV animal SV where (relative) EL [where the shadows . . .] why (relative) LOS [explain why you did that] pretty (adj) SV how (relative) LOS [he told me how to do it] who (relative) LOS [the person who . . . ] more than RE 'as soon as' (coll expr) RE ( 'not more than' ) when (relative) LOS [when we were . . .] calm (adj) SV which (relative) LOS [the knife, which I broke . . .] edge (edge of an object) SV mystery (noun) < SV mysterious (adj) < SV anvil (noun) RE forge (verb) RE forge (noun) LOS (<RE) bribe (verb) LOS bribe (noun) LOS

ar ark arth ash ashashbazg ashdurbk ashpar ashrokil asht ashk shrz asr atr atg atish atishatsaurok auru vul azAzog

nut (noun) SV ever LOS artisan SV one TK start, begin (v) RE rather SV despotism SV rugged (adj) SV breakfast SV skeleton, bone SV alone (adj) SV first (ordinal) < SV knot (noun) SV fact SV over there (loc.) < SV container (noun) SV keep (verb) SV catch (verb) LOS (< Quenya, atsa) mortar (n) SV few (adj) LOS steam, fumes SV kill (verb) (LOS) PN an orc-leader of Moria (LOTR III p441; TH (not 1st edition)) (therefore, Azog means Man-killer, Azat + ogh, man)

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