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hello ivonne teacher. hello deyvi. tell me your personal information: -what is your name?. my name is deyvi.

-what is your surname?. my surname is alcocer abad. -when you were born?. I was born the 16 of july in 1993. -how old are you?. I have 19 years old. -How many brothers have you?. I have 3 brothers, they are: two brothers and one sister, I am the intermediate of my brothers. I am the oldest of my brothers. where are you from?. I am from Peru - Piura, I am peruvian. -Where live you?. I live in jr la arena 947 with my fathers, brothers and also my cousin. -tell me the names of your family?. -who your favorites actor, singer,actress? My favorite singer is arcangel. He is a regetonero very famous that live in puer to rico, and my favorite artist is nicolle kisman.He is an brillant boy but, I h avent favorite actress. -Are single or married?. I am not , I am single. -who are you?. I am an student in the University Csar Vallejo, I am studing ingenieria industria l, I am in the cycle three.

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