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0 Introduction This chapter is an introductory of methodology which consists of the study, research, design, target population sample design and data collection analysis of data and presentation of findings. 3.1 Research design This type of research carried out is an assessment a case study of supermarkets situated on the northern end of kakamega . The study sought to asses the computerized stock management. 3.2 Target population Target population of the study are practicing personell in stores in stores management and practicing personell in stores function and supply environment in supermarkets and are approximately 50 permanent and 20 casual staff members A total of 50 staff members were selected as a sample size The sample size is shown in the table 3.2.1 below Population of the study and sample size

3.2.2 This procedure used was stratified sampling method since fairly medium population was involved having various categories of the population could be cattered for and include in the study . Assumption

was made that the categories would present characteristics of the population being studied with reasonable accuracy. 3.3. Data collection Appropriate data collection for this study was through questionnaire and observations method. Under questionnaire it contained structured and unstructured question. This enabled data analysis to be much easier and the respondent had an opportunity to express their ideas on areas

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