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Dimas Ajie Fachrudin 115110100111090 Paragraph Writing mid-test Topic : Last Year in Senior High School Topic Sentence

: Taking a photoshoot session for high schools yearbook was fun and exciting

Hi my name is Dimas Ajie Fachrudin. My school was in Angkasa 2 Senior High School. I will tell you about my experience when I took a photoshoot session for my high schools yearbook. Taking a photoshoot session for high schools yearbook was exciting. Many class has their own theme. I provided many themes,such as street sports,ethnic clothes,special forces army,and many more. And my class took the theme as a Special Forces Army. A half of the class took part as the terrorist,including me. And the other member of the class took their role as the Special Forces Army. My class and I spent about a month and some large amount of money to collect all the properties we needed,such as bought some toy guns and toy rifles,tactical vest,camo pants,and even we made a tattoo in our neck. We took the place for our photoshoot in an abandoned building. Such a cool place for the theme we had choose. At the photoshoot time,it was really fun time during the photoshoot. The setting was the First Lady of the country was kidnapped by the Terrorist. The Special Forces tried to save her. The gunfight between them were hard and caused bloodbath. Many people from both sides were dead. Finally the Special Forces were able to save the First Lady.We were happy but serious-looking. We were really looked like the real military people with so many weapons and equipments we had. By the time the yearbook was released and distributed to me,I was happy because the result was perfect. The printed photos were good because we hired the professional photographers and photoeditors. I think I have the best senior high school ending with those yearbooks photoshoot.

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