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Concert Etiquette When attending a concert, it is important to be punctual as late comers will not be allowed into the concert

until the interval or an appropriate break in the programme. During the performance, audiences are not allowed to leave until the interval or the end of the concert. All audiences must be at least dressed smart casual and handphones must be turned off or placed at silent mode at all times. Photography and recordings of any kind are not allowed. During the performance, the audience should remain seated and be quiet, avoid whispering, chatting, eating or sleeping. Before they begin and at the end of each piece, audiences are expected to clap to greet the performers. Some pieces of music are played in several sections or movements, audiences should only clap after the end of the last movement. If the audiences like the performance a lot, they can stand up and clap. This is called standing ovation is usually given only for very good performances.

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