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The loch ness monster The monster of Loch Ness is called Nessie or Ness is amythological creature or group of creatures

that are believed to live in Loch Ness,fresh deep lake located near the city of Inverness in northern Scotland. In cryptozoology, Nessie is categorized as a category called kriptid..Among researchers, the most popular assumption is that these type of surviving plesiosaurs, and the population of plesiosaurs, which reside in the depths of the lake. Description of the monster from Loch Ness Most of the Nessie witnesses describe as a large animal with two or three bumpsthat protrude from the water. Her length is estimated at 5 to 10 meters, although there are claims of much larger specimens, a long, thin neck, small head and long body with thick fins and tail. The loch ness lake Loch Ness is a lake in the Scottish Highlands, famous for the legend that he lived a monster called Nessie. The lake is connected to the southern end of the River Oich and the CaledonianCanal with Loch Oich. Lake water is extremely opaque, due to the large amount ofpeat in the surrounding soil. Loch Ness is a 56.4 km 2, the second largest Scottish lake, Loch Lomond behind, and the volume is greatest, because of its relatively great depth. The deepest point is at 230 m and the lake contains more freshwater than all the lakes in England and Wales together. The only island on Loch Ness is Cherry Island, visible at its southwestern end, near Fort Augustus. It is a crannog, which is a form of artificial island. (Most crannogs were constructed during the Iron Age.) There was formerly a second island (Dog Island) which was submerged when the water level was raised during the construction of the Caledonian Canal.

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